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Numer: 3482
Dział: Języki obce

Scenariusz lekcji języka angielskiego: Clothing

Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna

Lesson Plan

Topic: Clothing
Aim : To teach vocabulary – items of clothing.
Class description: 12 students ranging in age from 18 to 25 at pre intermediate level

Warm-up (5 min)

Teacher writes 3 sentences on the board:
• Clothes make the man.
• Never trust appearances.
• Firs impressions are the most lasting.
Students are asked to guess the meaning of each one. Students discuss the meaning in pairs and tell the teacher what they think. If they have problems, the teacher explains the sentences.

Presentation (15 min)

• The teacher elicits items of clothing from the students.
Students are asked to think of as many items of clothing as they can remember. They work in pairs and can make a list but not necessarily. When they are ready, they read their lists to the teacher.
• The teacher presents new vocabulary (20 words) using pictures /flashcards/realia. The presented words are : pyjamas, tie, jacket, sweater, shorts, underwear, skirt, top, trainers, tights, bowtie, suit, fur coat, anorak, gloves, track-suit, scarf, dungarees, overalls, polo-neck.
• Students drill the pronunciation of the new words as a class and then individually.
• The teacher lets the students see the new words – their written forms. The teacher shows the students a flashcard/picture/realia and the word written on a card at the same time. The teacher can also put them next to each other on the board (with the help of magnets)

Controlled practice (10 min)

• The teacher mixes up the flashcards and the words on the board and the students have to put them together in the correct order (pair work)
• The teacher puts 4/5 pictures of people wearing different clothes and describes what they are wearing. The students have to guess who the teacher is talking about (individual work) To make the activity more difficult, people in the pictures should be wearing very similar clothes and only ½ different ones.
• The teacher chooses one person from the pictures and keeps his/her name a secret. The students guess which person it is by asking the teacher questions about their clothes. The students ask: “ Is this person wearing ...?” The teacher can only answer YES/NO. The student who guesses the correct person takes the place of the teacher.

Free practice (10 min)

• The students orally describe what they are wearing at the moment. They say one item of clothing which is not true. The rest of the class say what the false item is.
• Students in pairs discuss the following questions:
* What do you usually wear at... a) home?
b) work?
c) a wedding?
* What are your favourite clothes?
* What clothes would you never wear?
When they are ready, students summarize their friend’s answers to the class.

Summing up (5 min)

Students work in small groups of ¾. They have to match definitions to 5 chosen items of clothing. (each group gets a different set)

eg. trainers – it is something you wear on your feet when it is warm, especially when you do a sport
pyjamas – it is something you wear at night, especially when you go to bed at a cold night

Students read their definitions to the rest of the class.

As a homework the students are asked to memorize the proverbs from the beginning of the lesson or to create “funny” definitions of 4/5 items of clothing chosen by themselves.

Additional exercise (just in case there is some time left)

The teacher draws a circle on the board with 4 air bubbles coming from it and in each the teacher writes the name of one season of the year: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Students in pairs think which garments go with each season and say:
”In winter people usually wear ...”
“ In summer people usually wear ...”

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