Numer: 34420
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs wiedzy o krajach anglojęzycznych, pytania dla klasy V

pytania do Konkursu
Kultury Krajów Anglosaskich
The World of english
Klasa V

1. What is the official name of the UK?
2. What countries form the UK?
3. What is the capital of the UK?
4. What are people called in the UK?
5. What is the Queen's name?
6. Where does the Queen live?
7. The main language in Britain, is ...............
8. The main religion in Britain, is...................................
9. What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain?
10. What colour is the flag of the United Kingdom?
11. What colour is the flag of England?
12. What colour is the flag of Scotland?
13. What colour is the flag of Wales?
14. What is the capital of England?
15. What is the capital of Wales?
16. What is the capital of Scotland?
17. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
18. What colour are double-decker buses in London?
19. Where does the Prime Minister of The UK live?
20. What are the oldest universities in the UK? Write 2 of them.
21. Who or what is Nessie?
22. What is the name of the most famous clock in London?
23. A lot of People carve lanterns out of ....................and put a candle inside of them during Halloween.
24. WhenisChristmasEve?
25. What is celebrated on February 14th?
26. When is the New Year celebrated in the United Kingdom?
27. When is Halloween?
28. What is the name of the giant observation wheel in London, known also as the Millennium Wheel?
29. Name famous festivals in England. Give 2 names.
30. What are your favourite monuments in Great Britain? Write 3 of them.
31. What is the name of the British anthem?
32. What is the name of the American anthem?
33. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
34. What is the national symbol of England?
35. What is the national symbol of Wales?
36. What is the national symbol of Northern Ireland?
37. The colour of the traditional telephone booths in London is .................
38. The abbreviation USA stands for ......................
39. What number is the population of London today?
40. What are the London taxis called?
41. What is the British currency?
42. Where is Stonehenge situated?
43. Where does the president of the USA live?
44. What is the capital of the USA?
45. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
46. The Big Apple is an old name for ....................
47. Where can you see the statue of Peter Pan?
48. Name a famous football stadium in London?
49. What is the other name for the London Underground?
50. Name museums you can visit in London. Write 2 names.
51. What are the Queen's Guards wearing?
52. What is the name of the biggest river in London?
53. Whose column can we see at Trafalgar Square?
54. What kind of bird do people usually eat on Christmas Day?
55. Whose statue can we see in the middle of Piccadilly Circus?
56. Give the name of the Saint of England?
57. Give the name of the Saint of Scotland?
58. Give the name of the Saint of Wales?
59. Give the name of the Saint of Northern Ireland?
60. How many states are there in the USA?
61. What is the date of Guy Fawkes' Night, also known as the Bonfire Night?
62. When is the largest festival in the world, the Notting Hill Carnival?
63. What are the national sports in Great Britain? Give 2 names.
64. Name the most famous sports in the USA?
65. What is the name of the Scottish national musical instrument?
66. What is the most famous lake in Scotland?
67. What is the national food of Scotland?
68. What is the national food of England?
69. When can you hear „Trick or treat” in Great Britain?
70. What can you eat for a typical English breakfast?
71. What is the national drink of England?
72. What is the name of the most famous cheese in England?
73. What is the surname of the British Royal Family?
74. The second day of Christmas is known as..........................
75. The 50 stars on the American flag represent........................................
76. The first people in America were..........................
77. The wax models of famous people are in ...........................Museum in London?
78. Where is the Royal Observatory?
79. Who discovered America?
80. When is the Independence Day celebrated in the USA?

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