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Numer: 34418
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs wiedzy o krajach anglojęzycznych, test konkursowy dla klasy IV

Konkurs Kultury Krajów Anglosaskich
The World of english
Czas trwania konkursu – 45 minut
Podczas konkursu nie można używać żadnych pomocy naukowych

Pytania za 1 punkt
1. What countries form the UK?
A) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
B) England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland
C) England, Scotland, Wales
2. The main language in Britain, is ...............
A) Welsh
B) English
C) Scottish
3. What colour is the flag of the United Kingdom?
A) red, blue and green
B) white, green and blue
C) red, white and blue
4. What colour is the flag of Wales?
A) green, white and red
B) green, blue and red
C) green and white
5. What is the capital of Scotland?
A) London
B) Belfast
C) Edinburgh
6. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
A) Cardiff
B) Edinburgh
C) Belfast
7. What colour are double-decker buses in London?
A) black
B) red
C) yellow
8. Who or what is Nessie?
A) a prehistoric dinosaur
B) a Loch Ness monster
C) a mythical bird
9. A lot of People carve lanterns out of ....................and put a candle inside of them during Halloween.
A) pumpkins
B) watermelons
C) cucumbers
10. When is Christmas Eve?
A) It’s on 24th December.
B) Its’s on 25th December.
C) It’s on 26th December.

11. What is celebrated on February 14th?
A) Pancake’s Day
B) Valentine’s Day
C) Saint Patrick’s Day
12. What is the national symbol of England?
A) a yellow rose
B) a white rose
C) a red rose
13. What number is the population of London today?
A) above 2 million
B) under 6 million
C) above 8 million
14. What is the British currency?
A) the pound
B) the euro
C) the dollar
15. What is the capital of the USA?
A) New York City
B) Washington, D. C.
C) Los Angeles
16. What is the name of the biggest river in London?
A) The River Avon
B) The River Thames
C) The River Severn
17. What kind of bird do people usually eat on Christmas Day?
A) turkey
B) duck
C) chicken
18. Who is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
A) Tony Blair
B) Margaret Thatcher
C) David Cameron
19. How many states are there in the USA?
A) 49
B) 50
C) 51
20. What is the national drink of England?
A) coffee
B) tea
C) fizzy drinks
Pytania za 2 punkty
21. What is the name of the UK?
22. What is the capital of UK?

23. What is the Queen's name?
24. What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain?
25. What is the most famous lake in Scotland?
26. What is the name of the most famous clock in London?
27. What is the name of the giant observation wheel in London, known also as the Millennium Wheel?
28. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
29. The abbreviation USA stands for ........................................
30. Where can you see the statue of Peter Pan?

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