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Numer: 33939
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs z języka angielskiego, etap szkolny

Dubiecko, 24 luty 2017r.


Etap Szkolny

Imię i nazwisko:........................................ Klasa...............

1. Przekształć drugie zdanie, wykorzystując podane elementy, tak aby znaczyło to samo co zdanie pierwsze.
1. This dictionary belongs to Mary.
1.This is ........................................
2. I’m sure he is fifteen.
2. He must ........................................
3. They repaired my TV last week.
3. My TV ........................................
4. Why don’t we go to the club?
4. How about ........................................
5. Marie has been married for seven years.
5. Marie ........................................seven years ago. /5

2. Wybierz jedno z dwóch słów podanych w nawiasie, aby zdanie było poprawne.
1. I must ................ my teeth before I go to bed. (wash/clean)
2. Would you like something hot? I will .................... coffee. (do/make)
3. He has to work ................. (hard/heavy)
4. The building was ......................by an Italian architect. (projected/designed)
5. You will have to hurry if you want to ..................... the train. (go/catch) /5

3. Ułóż pytania do podanych odpowiedzi.
1. ........................................?
1. I’m reading a book at the moment.
2. ........................................?
2. Yes, I saw the match yesterday.
3. ........................................?
3. No, I’ve never eaten frogs’ legs!.
4. ........................................?
4. We were talking about football when you called.
5. ........................................?
5. If I were rich I would buy a lot of toys for ill children.
6. ........................................?
6. The painting was stolen two days ago. /6

4. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami. Pierwsza litera została podana.
1. We use a remote c_ _ _ _ _ _ to change the channel.
2. He hasn’t got married, he’s s_ _ _ _ _ .
3. In some schools they may e _ _ _ _ you for cheating.
4. Smoke from factories can p _ _ _ _ _ _ the air.
5. You can try this dress on in the c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ room.
5. Use the stairs the l _ _ _ _ is broken. /5

5. READING. Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst i wykonaj ćwiczenie A, B i C.

Four things you didn’t know about England

1. Why do the English drive on the left?
In the 1700s people used their right hand to carry a sword. But Napoleon carried his sword in his left hand and rode on the right. Everyone followed Napoleon because he ruled half of the world. These days about 25% of countries still drive on the left, including Japan and the West Indies.
Top tip: Don’t forget to drive on the left in the UK!

2. What’s the difference between England and the United Kingdom?
England is one country. The United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (the Republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country.) The Prime Minister is the head of all four of these countries. Top tip: Never say, ‘You’re English, aren’t you?’ to someone from Scotland, Ireland or Wales.

3. Do the English really love sport?
The English invented many of the world’s most popular sports. They wrote the rules for football, boxing, tennis, cricket and many more. Unfortunately, the English are better at writing rules than winning games. Top tip: Don’t ask someone from England when England last won a football competition.

4. How multicultural is Britain?
Britain is one of the world’s most multicultural countries. You can hear hundreds of languages in London alone. In fact, 15% of the UK’s 56 million inhabitants were born outside the UK.
Top tip: Visit the Notting Hill carnival in late August. It is two days of multicultural music, food and dancing.

A. Zaznacz czy zdania są prawdziwe(T) czy fałszywe (F). (4 marks)
1. Only the English and Japanese drive on the left. __
2. England and the United Kingdom are the same. __
3. The English are good at writing rules for sports. __
4. In Britain there are people from many different countries. __

B. Zaznacz (γ) poprawne znaczenie słów z powyższego tekstu.: (1 mark)
1. head (n) a. person in control or at the top __
b. person who works at night __
2. inhabitants (n) a. people who live in a place __
b. people from the UK __

C. W poszczególnych paragrafach w tekście znajdź przeciwieństwa podanych słów: (10 marks)
Paragraf 1. left- remember-

Paragraf 2. always- north- similarity-

Paragraf 3. worse- hate- lost-

Paragraf 4. early - inside-

6. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz a,b lub c
1. What is the Queen's name?
a. Queen Kate I
b. Queen Elizabeth II
c. Queen Margaret IV
2. Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?
a. Buckingham Palace
b. Downing Street
c. Victoria and Albert Museum
3. What is a double-decker?
a. A bus
b. A chocolate bar
c. A taxi
4. What is Harrods?
a. A kiosk
b. A department store
c. A language school
5. Where can you buy stamps?
a. At the post office
b. At a butchers
c. At the tobacconists
6. What is 'stonehenge'?
a. an old castle
b. a prehistoric monument
c. a palace.
7. What is the name of the famous stadium in the north of London?
a. Wembley
b. Westminster
c. Wimbledon
8. Which band was John Lennon a member of in the 1960s?
a. The Beatles
b. The Police
c. The Rolling Stones
9. Where is a monster supposed to live?
a. The Lake District
b. Loch Ness
c. River Thames
10. In Britain, cars are driven on the ______ side of the road.
a. left-hand
b. right-hand
c. wrong-hand
11. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote lots of ______.
a. detective stories
b. plays
c. poems

12. Where is Belfast?
a. In Northern Ireland
b. In Scotland
c. In Wales
13. Chelsea is a popular ______ team.
a. cricket
b. football
c. rugby
14. Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?
a. Geoffrey Chaucer
b. Agatha Christie
c. William Shakespeare
15. Which king had 6 wives?
a. Henry IV
b. Henry V
c. Henry VIII
16 Which band Victoria Beckham played in:
a. Oasis
b. Spice Girls
c. The Pussies
17. Princess Diana was a wife of....
a. Prince Charles
b. Prince Henry
c. King George
18 What’s a kilt?
a. Scottish national drink
b. A type of musical instrument.
c. A type of ‘skirt’ worn by men in Scotland

Klucz odpowiedzi
Zadanie 1.
1. This is Mary’s dictionary.
2. He must be fifteen
3. My TV was repaired last week.
4. How about going to the club?
5. Marry got married seven years ago.
Zadanie 2.
1. clean 2.make 3. hard 4.designed 5. Catch
Zadanie 3.
1. What are you doing at the moment?
2. Did you see the match yesterday?
3. Have you ever eaten frogs’ legs?
4. What were you talking about when I called?
5. What would you do if you were rich?
6. When was the painting stolen?

Zadanie 4.
A 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T

B 1. A 2. A

C Paragraph 1. right forget
Paragraph 2. never south difference
Paragraph 3. better love won
Paragraph 4. late outside

Zadanie 5. 1. Control 2. single 3. Expel 4.pollute 5. changing 6. lift

Zadanie 6.

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6.B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. C

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