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Numer: 33869
Dział: Języki obce

Ile wiesz o USA? - quiz kulturoznawczy


Ucząc języka angielskiego z oczywistych powodów koncentrujemy się na słownictwie, gramatyce i praktycznych umiejętnościach, ignorując bądź pomijając elementy kulturoznawcze narodów anglosaskich. Jednym z krajów, który uważam za wyjątkowo interesujący, różnorodny i wielowymiarowy są Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej. Aby zmotywować moich uczniów do poszerzenia wiedzy o USA, przygotowałam quiz z pytaniami z zakresu kulturoznawstwa, historii, a także amerykańskiego showbiznesu. Do quizu dołączam klucz z odpowiedziami.

1. Which American president was shot dead while watching a play in Ford’s Theater in Washington?
a) George Washington
b) Theodore Roosevelt
c) Abraham Lincoln
2. Which one is not an American poet?
a) e.e. cummings
b) T.S. Eliot
c) S.T. Coleridge
3. At the end of 19th century Amerindian warriors (mainly Sioux and Cheyenne) fought numerous battles with the American soldiers. In June 1876 they won their best known victory at:
a) the battle of the Little Big Horn
b) the battle of Wounded Knee
c) the battle of the Mississippi
4. The Black Hills of Dakota are famous for Mount Rushmore, where the faces of 4 American presidents are cut in the rock. The face of which president is not carved?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) John F. Kennedy
c) Thomas Jefferson
5. Which American state is known as the ‘Sunshine State’?
a) New York
b) Florida
c) South Carolina
6. When he first reached the American continent, Christopher Columbus called the Native Americans ‘Indians’. Why did he call them ‘Indians’ and not ‘Americans’?
7. In August 1963 200.000 people, black and white, took part in a mass demonstration in Washington to demand full racial equality. Among them was the African-American leader, who made a moving and dramatic speech. What was the name of the leader and what were the first 4 words of his famous speech?
8. What are the two leading political parties in the USA?
9. The society of the USA is often called a ‘salad bowl’. What does the term refer to?

10. Match the names given in the column on the left with the description given on the right.
a) Civil War ..... 1. New York City’s borough
b) New Deal ..... 2. center of gamble
c) Ku Klux Klan ..... 3. headquarters of the Department of Defense
d) Thanksgiving ..... 4. gift from France
e) Big Apple ..... 5. Mormon center
f) Pentagon ..... 6. Americans remember the Pilgrim Fathers
g) Roaring Twenties ..... 7. Confederacy vs Union
h) Cabinet ..... 8. nickname for New York City
i) Utah ..... 9. where the U.S. President lives
j) Bronx ..... 10. Sioux leader
k) Watergate ..... 11. ‘good times, wild times’
l) Las Vegas ..... 12. training school for army officers
m) Statue of Liberty ..... 13. collective body of directors for advice
n) Sitting Bull ..... 14. relief, recovery and reform program
o) West Point ..... 15. political scandal in the early 1970s
p) White House ..... 16. racist organization
11. Match the titles of works with their authors.
a) Tennessee Williams ..... 1. ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’
b) Arthur Miller ..... 2. ‘The Grapes of Wrath’
c) John Steinbeck ..... 3. ‘Moby Dick’
d) Ernest Hemingway ..... 4. ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’
e) Mark Twain ..... 5. ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’
f) Harriet Beecher Stowe ..... 6. ‘The Old Man and the Sea’
g) Herman Melville ..... 7. ‘Death of a Salesman’
12. Which American director, a passionate fan of jazz, plays the clarinet in a jazz band?
a) Tim Burton
b) Steven Spielberg
c) Woody Allen
d) Quentin Tarantino
13. Which one is considered the most expensive video clip in the history of music?
a) Michael Jackson’s ‘Black Or White’ (1991)
b) Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson’s ‘Scream’ (1995)
c) Madonna’s ‘Die Another Day’ (2002)
d) Backstreet Boys’ ‘Larger Than Life’ (1999)
14. Which of the American artists below released the greatest number of studio albums?
a) Prince
b) Whitney Houston
c) Michael Jackson
d) Madonna
15. Underline the American actors who have never won an Oscar (an Academy Award).
Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, Will Smith, Edward Norton, Robert De Niro, Harrison Ford, Kevin Spacey
16. Underline actors, actresses and filmmakers not born in the USA.
Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Denzel Washington, Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, Meryl Streep, Meg Ryan
17. Underline the American singers.
Justin Bieber, Tina Turner, Sting, Kylie Minogue, Alicia Keys, Pharrell Williams, Rihanna, Diana Ross

Klucz z odpowiedziami:
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. Because he thought he had reached India.
7. Martin Luther King, ‘I have a dream...’
8. The Republicans and The Democrats
9. Because of the ethnic variety in the USA, a number of immigrants forming groups of a certain national and ethnic background.
10. a) 7, b) 14, c) 16, d) 6, e) 8, f) 3, g) 11, h) 13, i) 5, j) 1, k) 15, l) 2, m) 4, n) 10, o) 12, p) 9
11. a) 5, b) 7, c) 2, d) 6, e) 1, f) 4, g) 3
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Edward Norton, Harrison Ford
16. Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe
17. Tina Turner, Alicia Keys, Pharrell Williams, Diana Ross

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