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Numer: 31840
Dział: Języki obce

Be friendly - gimnazjaliści przedszkolakom. Scenariusz inscenizacji

(gimnazjaliści przedszkolakom)


Scene I

T: Children, you can play now!

Everybody: Hurray!!!

Ch1: I'm taking this doll... that car... the teddy bear... and the building bricks!

Ch2: I'm going to play with this track.

Ch3: What a beautiful doll!

Ch4: I will try to build a tower!

Ch5: I will play with the teddy bear.

Scene II

Ch2: Hey, why are you sitting alone? Do you want to play with me?

Ch1: No, go away!

Ch3: Hi, let's play together with our dolls!

Ch1: No way!

Ch4: Can I join you? Let's build a house together!

Ch1: No, I want to be alone!

Ch5: Hey, do you want to play with my teddy bear?

Ch1: Ok, so give it to me!

Ch5: Can I take your teddy bear?

Ch1: Are you joking? No! It's mine!

Scene III

T: Ok, children, time is up! Now you are going to draw a picture. And it will be a picture of your best friend. Are you ready? You can start.

Ch1: I haven't got any coloured pencils.

T: You can ask your friends.

Ch1: (podczas kolorowania) Can I borrow a green pencil?

Ch2: Yes, sure!

Ch1: Can you lend me your blue pencil?

Ch3: Sure, here you are!

Ch1: I need a yellow pencil...

Ch4: No problem, you can take mine!

Ch1: Will you give me your pink pencil?

Ch5: Of course, here you are.

Ch1: Thank you everybody!

Scene IV

Ch1: (crying)

Ch2: She is crying!

Ch3: Let's go!

Ch4: What's the matter?

Ch5: Why are you crying?

Ch1: I haven't got a best friend... I haven't got any friends!

Ch:2 What are you talking about?

Ch3: You are wrong!

Ch4: We are your friends!

Ch5: Do you want to play with us?

Ch1: Can I?

Everybody: Of course you can!!!

T: Children, let's sing a song Friends, ok? (na wymyśloną przez siebie melodię)

1. We are your friends /2
Don't worry
Don't cry
Cause we are your friends!

2. You are our friend /2
Don't worry
Be happy
Cause you are our friend!

3. We are all friends/2
We don't worry
We are happy
Cause we are all friends!

T: Ok, children, it's time to go home!

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