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Numer: 31300
Dział: Języki obce

Język angielski - "Poverty" ("Bieda")

Lekcja języka angielskiego przeznaczona dla uczniów szkół średnich oraz osób dorosłych. Temat "Poverty" ("Bieda")


I. Watch the film as and introduction to our topic.

II. What is poverty in your opinion?
III. Watch the short film and answer the questions:
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-PvTqo1gX0

1. What is poverty?
2. What does the film compare poverty to?
3. What is Compassion's holistic child development program?

IV. Read the key words and check if you know the Polish translation. Put the words into sentences:

Malnutrition – ill health caused by inadequate food
Illiteracy – inability to read or write
Impoverished – poor, without much money to live on
Destitute – without money, food, home or possessions
Poverty-stricken – extremely poor, suffering from extreme poverty
Welfare – help given especially by the state or an organisation to people who need it,especially because they do not have enough money

1. She was still unable to read or write and ............................. made working difficult.
2. People became ........................, and many of them lost almost everything they had.
3. .................................is a leading cause of death among children under 4.
4. Their trips to some of the ...............................areas in Africa and Asia, she says, have put human faces on all the statistics and reports.
5. They have been on ........................... for the last 12 years.
6. He had been a poor boy from an .............................. family.

V. Find in a dictionary some idioms connected with the subject of poverty (for example: "To live on the breadline").

VI. Discuss with your friends the conversation questions:
1. What kind of problems do poor people have?
2. Do you feel sorry for people who live on the street?
3. What kind of poverty exists in your country?
4. How does the government in your country support the poor?
5. Does poverty cause crime?
6. Do you think the government should create jobs for the homeless, instead of just giving them money?

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