"The body language"
Lekcja języka angielskiego - konwersacje "Mowa ciała". Lekcja przeznaczona do szerokiego grona odbiorców: gimnazjum, liceum jak i osób dorosłych. W celu urozmaicenia lekcji wykorzystane są filmiki dostępne na kanale youtube
I. What is body language?
II. Explain these words in English and then translate them into Polish:
If you've got any problems you can use this website to help you)
1. gesture ........................................
2. wink ........................................
3. blink ........................................
4. frown ........................................
5. scowl ........................................
6. grin ........................................
7. nod ........................................
8. shoulder shrug ........................................
9. thumbs up ........................................
10. thumbs down ........................................
11. flip off ........................................
12. wave ........................................
13. slouch ........................................
14. gesticulate ........................................
III. Watch the film and answer the questions:
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h0V1YkccEE&nohtml5=False
1. How important are gestures in non-verbal communication?
2. What do these gestures mean in different countries?
the thumb and the forefinger
thumbs up
the “ok” sign”
the fingers brought together
the “come here” or “go away”
3. Have you ever experienced a misunderstanding related to body language?
IV. Conversation questions:
1. Do you think body language is important?
2. How does body language help communication?
3. Do you notice other people’s body language?
4. Which actions show that we are friendly, happy, nervous, surprised, frightened, worried etc?
5. Do you agree that actions speak louder than words?
6. Does somebody's body language make that you like that person or not?
V. Watch the film. Make notes of the “5 Body Language Tricks To Make Anyone Instantly Like You”:
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD884Dl-kLc&nohtml5=False