Numer: 31290
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs Wiedzy o Krajach Anglojęzycznych

Konkurs Wiedzy o Krajach Anglojęzycznych został zorganizowany z okazji Europejskiego Dnia Języków Obcych. Po części artystycznej zgłoszone osoby do konkursu przystąpiły do rozwiązywania testu.
Celem konkursu było zainteresowanie uczniów historią, geografią, kulturą Wielkiej Brytanii, propagowanie tej wiedzy, podniesienie motywacji wśród uczniów do aktywnej pracy nad językiem angielskim.
Jury konkursu tworzyli nauczyciele j. angielskiego. Wszyscy uczestnicy konkursu otrzymali dyplomy, a najlepsi uczniowie –nagrody.



Imię i nazwisko: ________________________

Klasa: __________ 60pkt
I. Choose the correct answer and circle it
1.the capital cities of:
a)Englad ........................
b)Wales ........................
c)Scotland .......................
d)Northern Ireland ................

2. the national emblems (= symbols) of :
a) Englad ........................
b)Wales ........................
c)Scotland .......................
d)Northern Ireland ................

3.the names of saint patrons of;
a) Englad ........................
b)Wales ........................
c)Scotland .......................
d)Northern Ireland ................

II.Give a short explanation to the given words:
a)Haggis ........................................
b)the bagpipes ........................................
e)Madame Tussaud’s........................................
f)Boxing Day........................................
h)Marks & Spencer........................................
j)the tube........................................

Match the titles of the books a-f with their authors 1-7

a)Alice in Wonderland
b)Christmas Carol
c)Romeo and Juliet
d)Treasure Island
e)Gulliver’s Travel
f)Sherlock Holmes
g)Robinson Crusoe

1.Jonathan Swift
2.Daniel Defoe
3.Lewis Carol
4.Sir Conan Arthur Doyle
5.Charles Dickens
6.William Shakespeare
7.Robert Louis Stevenson

III.For each question choose the best answer.
1. Great Britain is
a) the largest island in the world.
b) the fifth largest island in the world.
c) the ninth largest island in the world.
d) the fourteenth largest island in the world

2. . Which is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom?
a) Ben Nevis
b) Snowdon
c) Slieve Donard
d) Scafell Pike

3. Which is the longest river in the United Kingdom?
a) The Bann
b) The Thames
c) The Tay
d) The Severn

4. How many inhabitants does England have?
a) 50 million
b) 61 million
c) 65 million
d) 43 million

5. Which is the largest city in Scotland?
a) Edinburgh
b) Glasgow
c) Aberdeen
d) Inverness

6. Northern Ireland is separated from Scotland by:
a) the North Channel
b) the Bristol Channel
c) The English Channel
d) The Strait of Dover

7. Which flag has a white X-shaped cross on a blue field?
a) The flag of Northern Ireland
b) The flag of Wales
c) The flag of Scotland
d) The flag of England

8. What are the best- known symbols of United Kingdom:
a) Stars and Stripes, maple leaf, red phone box
b) the Statue of Liberty, White House, Big Ben
c) double decker bus, Big Ben, the monarchy
d) yellow taxi, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament

9. What is the name of the Queen’s official London residence?
a) Westminster Abbey
b) Whitehall
c) Buckingham Palace
d) The Tower of London

10. When did the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II take place?
a) 1949
b) 1950
c) 1952
d) 1953

11. The original name of the current British royal family is
a) Windsor
b) Tudor
c) Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
d) Stuart

12. Which child of Queen Elizabeth II is the oldest?
a) Prince Charles
b) Prince Edward
c) Princess Anne
d) Prince Andrew

13. Which is the seat of the Parliament?
a) Whitehall
b) Buckingham Palace
c) The Palace of Westminster
d) Palace of Holyroodhouse

14. How ols is London underground?
a)about 150 years old
b)about 120 years old
c)about 100 years old
d)less than 100 years

15. When was the London Eye opened?
a) 1989
b) 1998

16. Which is the oldest university in Britain?
a) Cambridge University
b) Oxford University
c) University of St Andrew’s
d) University of Edinburg

17. Robert Burns is regarded as the national poet of
a) England
b) Scotland
c) Wales
d) Ireland

18. Where was William Shakespeare born?
a) In London
b) In Stratford– Upon– Avon
c) In Oxford
d) In Cambridge

19. The Great Fire of London took place in :
a) 1599
b) 1666
c) 1733
d) 1939

20. The only English king ever executed was :
a) Richard II
b) Henry III
c) Edward I
d) Charles I

21. What is «Twilight»?
a) a saga about a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire
b) a horror movie about mysterious creature
c) a cartoon about a canary named «Twilight»
d) a drama about a married couple

22. The most famous British supermodel who advertised Rimmel cosmetics and dated Johny Depp is:
a) Sienna Miller
b) Kate Moss
c) Cindy Crawford
d) Kate Winslet

23.The greatest music and arts festival in England held every year in June is called:
a) One Love Festival
b) Woodstock
c) Glastonbury Festival
d) Cantenbury Festival

24. Which of the clothing brands given below is British?
a) Zara
b) H&M
c) Burberry
d) Orsey

25 Which is not a British music band?
a) Spice Girls 1
b) Coldplay
c) One Republic
d) The Beatles

26. The slang expression 'lol' used by Internet users means:
a) lots of laugh
b) lots of luck
c) wow
d) ups

27. Victoria Beckham, a style icon and David Beckham's wife is sometimes called 'posh' because:
a) she loves expensive, stylish designer clothes
b) she likes eating spicy food
c) she is of aristocratic origin
d) she is well educated

28. The best-known British chain of supermarkets is:
a) Leader Price
b) Carefurr
c) Tesco
d) Lidl

29. Nigella Lawson, a well-known British celebrity and TV presenter is:
a) a lawyer
b) a cook
c) a writer
d) a poet

30. Public holidays in Britain are called
a)free holisays
b)summer days
c)bank holidays
d)post office holidays

IV.Cirle the correct answer:

1. Towel of London is the place where you can admire the Crown Jewels .TRUE/FALSE
2. You can drive a car in the UK when you are 17. TRUE/FALSE
3. We associate Guy Fawkes with King Henry VIII TRUE/FALSE
4. English kings and queens are crowned in St. Paul’s Cathedral TRUE/FALSE
5. The Beatles were the music group originated in London TRUE/FALSE
6. Robin Hood is a legandary outlaw hero who lived with his men in sherwood Forest TRUE/FALSE
8.The head of the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury TRUE/FALSE
9.The main square of central London , where there are a number of famous buildings and monuments , is called Trafalgar Square. TRUE/FALSE
10.Kilt is a part of the traditional dress os a Scotsman, it is a woolen skirt TRUE/FALSE

opracowała: Karina Siwik, nauczycielka j. angielskiego

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