What's in your school bag?
1. Read and remember. Przeczytaj i zapamiętaj.
a pencil case - piórnik
a pencil - ołówek
a pen - długopis
a ruler - linijka
a rubber - gumka
glue - klej
scissors - nożyczki
a pencil sharpener - temperówka
crayons - kredki
a school bag - plecak
2. Guess the words and complete the sentences. Zgadnij słowa i uzupełnij zdania.
1. This is my ..................................... . (n i e c p l)
2. This is my ..................................... . (r l e r u)
3. This is my ..................................... . (i p n e l c s c e a)
4. This is my ..................................... . (u b r r e b)
5. This is my ..................................... . (n p l i e c h a p r r e s n e)
3. What's in your schoolbag? Draw, colour and write. Co jest w Twoim plecaku? Narysuj, pokoloruj i napisz.
4. Correct the sentences. Popraw zdania zgodnie z prawdą o Twoich rzeczach.
My pencil case is green and yellow. ........................................ .
My school bag is red and orange. ........................................ .
I have got twelve crayons. ........................................ .
Good luck :-)