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Numer: 29398
Dział: Języki obce

Powitanie wiosny w języku angielskim - scenariusz zajęć



Witam na wiosennym przedstawieniu

„Spring is here“

przygotowanym przez uczniów klasy III SP.

Zyczę wszystkim udanej zabawy!

Wchodzą dzieciaki przebrane za:
Blue bird, bee, ladybug, butterfly, mosquito, frog.
Dzieci trzymaja tez kartki z nazwami odpowiednich zwierzat.

Grupa spiewa “Spring is here” (akompaniament wlasny lub youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DobrRgD5aOU&list=RDDobrRgD5aOU#t=0)
– kolejno wchodza dzieciaki przebrane za poszczegolne zwierzaki pokazuja sie i wykonuja ruchy jak w slowach piosenki.

Spring is here
Spring is here
How do you think I know
I’ve just saw a blue bird (“wlatuje” blue bird)
This is how I know

Do the bird walk
and strut you thing
Do the bird walk
and flap your wings
Do the bird walk
Do anything
And look around for another signs of spring

Spring is here
Spring is here
How do you think I know
I’ve just saw a bee (“wlatuje” bee)
This is how I know

Do the bee walk
and strut you thing
Do the bird walk
and flap your wings
Do the bird walk
Do anything
And look around for another signs of spring

Spring is here
Spring is here
How do you think I know
I’ve just saw a ladybug (“wlatuje” ladybug)
This is how I know

Do the ladybug walk
and strut you thing
Do the bird walk
and flap your wings
Do the bird walk
Do anything
And look around for another signs of spring

Spring is here
Spring is here
How do you think I know
I’ve just saw a buterfly (“wlatuje” butterfly)
This is how I know

Do the buterfly walk
and strut you thing
Do the bird walk
and flap your wings
Do the bird walk
Do anything
And look around for another signs of spring

I osoba krzyczy I pokazuje palcem: Look! A mosquito!

Wlatuje komar, a za nim skacze żaba. Dzieciaki schodza ze sceny.

Grupa zaczyna spiewac piosenke:
“I like the flowers” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6PKcnTGVX4
lub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlMItetT1dI

I like the flowers
I like the daffodils
I like the mountains
I like the green hills
I like the firestone
I like to walk alone

Powtarza sie kilka razy a w tym czasie wchodzi ogrodnik i jego rosliny. Dzieci sa przebrane za kwiaty: sunflower, tulip, daisy, daffodil, violet, rose
sa podpisane i kolejno recytuja.

1. My Garden
This is my garden, I will plant it with care,
Here are the seeds I will plant in there,
The sun will shine,
The rain will fall,
The seeds will sprout and grow up tall.
2. A Sunflower
I’m a little sunflower: look and see
Here is my stem and here are my leaves.
When the sun comes up, I turn my head.
When the sun goes down I go to bed.
3. A Tulip
I’m a little tulip
tall and thin.
I wait all winter for the spring.
When the snow melts
I pop right out.
Welcome Spring! is what I shout!

4. A Daisy
I’m a pretty daisy who all people love.
Because I always say:
I come to tell good girls and boys:
“That winter’s gone away”.

5. A Daffodil
A little yellow cup,
A little yellow frill,
A little yellow star,
And that's a daffodil.

6. A Violet
I’m a purple violet,
Dancing in the sun,
I’m little but I tell you:
“For sure, the spring has come.”

7. A Rose
I’m a beautiful rose,
standing straight and tall,
I’m a pretty rose, the tallest flower of all.
“For sure, the spring has come.”
I can hear a blue bird sing, and a robin call.
But a red rose is a flower you love most of all.

8. All Flowers + A Gardener

Flowers, flowers, flowers all around.
Flowers flowers, growing in the ground,
Flowers of each color make a pretty view.
Red and orange and yellow.
And blue and purple, too.

Po raz kolejny piosenka:
“I like the flowers”

Ogrodnik I kwiaty klaniaja sie I wychodza.

Thank you so much for coming.
See you next year!

Serdecznie dziękujemy za uwagę!

Thank you and see you soon!

Opracowanie na postawie Piosenki „Spring is here“ www.learningstationmusic.com

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