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Numer: 28798
Dział: Języki obce

Australia and Ocenia - scenariusz gminnego konkursu

dla uczniów szkół podstawowych gminy Gardeja w roku szkolnym 2014/2015

Wybierz jedną najlepiej pasującą odpowiedź: a, b lub c i przepisz ją do arkusza odpowiedzi.
Good Luck
1. Oceania is a region centered on the :
a) islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean
b) islands of the Atlantic Ocean
c ) islands of the Indian Ocean

2.What does the word “kangaroo” mean in the Aboriginal language ?
a) “I don’t understand ”
b) “I don’t know”
c) “I don’t remember ”

3.What animal is on the Western Australia flag ?
a) a red kangaroo
b) a koala bear
c) a black swan

4. “ Advance Australia Fair ” is the name of Australia’s :
a) anthem
b) flag
c) national dish

5.What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?
a) Port Moresby
b) Lae
c) Arawa

6. What does the Australian flag consist of ?
a) The Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross
b) The Union Jack, 10 stars and the Southern Cross
c) The Union Jack and the Commonwealth Star

7. Which British explorer first arrived in Australia in 1770?
a) Christopher Columbus
b) James Cook
c) Henry Hudson

8. English is Australia’s de facto official language, but the inhabitants call it ....
a) Spine
b) Strine

9) Who opened the Opera in Sydney on October 20, 1973?
a) Tony Blair
b) Queen Elisabeth II
c) Prince Charles

10. What’s the name of the Australian wild dog?
a) Dingo
b) Numbat
c) Quoll

11. What are Australia’s national colours?
a) white and gold
b) red and gold
c) green and gold

12. Which Australian island was discovered by Dutch explorer in 1642?
a) Melville Island
b) Kangaroo Island
c) Tasmania

13. The prime minister of Australia is :
a) Tony Abbott
b) David Cameron
c) Margaret Thatcher

14. Australia is a :
a) republic
b) monarchy
c) constitutional monarchy

15. What is the highest mountain in Australia?
a) Mount Kosciuszko
b) Mount Townsend
c) Mount Twynam

16. What are the Australians commonly called by Canadians and Americans?
a) Aussie
b) Kiwi
c) Down Under

17. What is the koala bear ?
a)a bear
b)a marsupial
c)a predator

18.Commonwealth Day is in:
a) March
b) April

19.What does the word Canberra mean?:
a)”meeting town”
b) “meeting city”
c) “meeting place”

20. Who is the current Queen of Australia ?
a) Elizabeth I
b) Victoria
c) Elizabeth II

21.Uluru is :
a) a river in Australia
b) a lake in Australia
c) a rock in Australia

22. In Australian English the world “ neddy” means :
a) a horse
b) a dog
c) a mouse

23.The word “chalkie ” in Australian English means:
a)a student
b)a teacher
c) a blackboard

24.Which river flows in Australia?
a) Murray- Darling
b) Severn
c) Thames

25. The Great Barrier Reef is located in the:
a) Red Sea
b) Coral Sea
c) Mediterranean Sea

26.What is the smallest country in Oceania?
b) Australia
c)Papua New Guinea

27.Australia Day is celebrated on:
a) the 26thDecember
b) the 26th January
c) the 31st October

28.Australia celebrates Christmas in :
a) summer
b) winter
c) autumn

29.What does the name of Australia mean?
b) northern
c) western

30. What is the abbreviation for Australian currency ?
a) AUD
b) ADU
c) UAD

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