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Numer: 28174
Dział: Języki obce

New technologies - karta pracy

1. Match the tools and devices to the correct category.
Angry Birds Yahoo Twitter Netflix Google iPad iPod You Tube Facebook iPhone
1. A search engine _______________ , ____________________
2. A digital device ______________, ___________________ , _______________
3. A social networking website ____________________
4. A microblogging service _____________________
5. A video – sharing website __________________
6. An online film rental service __________________
7. A game app ___________________

2. Answer the questions.
1. Which devices and internet tools from task 1 have you used?
2. What did you use them for last time?
3. What do you think of them?
3. Watch the film and answer the questions.
1. What is Silicon Valley? __________________________________________________
2. Where is it? ___________________________________________________________
3.Which companies have their headquarters there? _____________________________
4. When does Emily use her phone? __________________________________________
5. How much are most iPad apps? ___________________________________________
6. What are The New York Times and The New Yorker? __________________________
7. Where did Mr. Hewlett and Mr. Packard start their company over 100 years ago? _______________________________________________________________________
8. How many people work on new ideas in Silicon Valley? _________________________

4. What do you remember? Write the missing words.
1. ‘I like to l.................................. to music.’
2. ‘I r................................ things on the Internet.’
3. ‘I p........................ Angry Birds.’
4. ‘Sometimes I w............................. films on it or You Tube videos.’
5. ‘I c................................. my Facebook account.’
6. ‘I s................................ maybe 5 dollars on additional things on my phone.’
7. ‘I use my iPod to c.................................... to people through Facebook.’
8. ‘I r....................... the newspaper on the subway on my way to and from work.’

5. Find 8 hidden verbs and check your answers to exercise 4.
s p e n d r e a d e
t r e s e a r c h e
h t c o n n e c t a
l i s t e n p l a y
d w w a t c h e c k

6. Who says the things from task 4? Write E (Emily), S (Steward) or L (Lisha) next to each sentence.

7. Match the words to their definitions.
1. Headquarters
2. Digital media
3. Text message
4. Social media
5. Account
6. App
7. WiFi
a) Wireless network that allows laptops and mobile phones to connect to the internet
b) The place where a company has its main offices
c) All the files, photos, personal information of one user of a website or an on-line service
d) Electronic media that work on digital codes
e) Online tools which people use to share information and to communicate to each other
f) An electronic message that people send from mobile phones
g) An application – a piece of software for mobile devices

8. Homework: answer the questions in your notebook.
1. What do you use your mobile phone for?
2. How often do you use your phone?
3. What applications do you use?
4. Who did you last call from your mobile phone?
5. What was the conversation about?

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