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Numer: 27785
Dział: Języki obce

In the souvenir shop - konspekt do lekcji w języku angielskim

Lesson Plan Magdalena Kozieł

Time: 45 min Subject: English language Class: 6th class Primary School
Language Focus: vocabulary related to clothes and souvenir
Topic: In the souvenir shop
Objectives: How to buy a souvenir? – language functions
Prior knowledge: knowledge of words; T-shirt, jumper, dress, trainers, tartan skirt ,shoes
Materials: Student’s book, compact disc player, compact discs, interactive board

5 min T. asks Ss what is on the pictures on page 16 in their books, next tells them what they will learn today
Ss describe shortly what they see on the pictures T - Ss Language warm - up
T. asks the students book to task 1 from pg 16. (Say the sentences in your language ) eg: You look great in that polo-neck? Ss translate the sentences
T – Ss
Ss - Ss Connect the pupils with topic lesson


T. asks to read the questions from task 2, and checks if everything is understood,
Next turns on CD with the dialogue and encourages everyone to listen to the dialogue

Ss read the questions, then answer the teacher’s questions.

Ss listens to the dialog
T - Ss
Learning about useful language, which can be used in Souvenir shop

T. asks to read the dialogue together out loud and then work in pair. Ss work in pair
T - Ss Improving dialogue in English

15 min
T encourages each couple to demonstrate their task.

T. asks Ss to do task 3 from pg 16.(Find sentences in dialogue with similar meaning)

Pupils present their dialogue

Ss answer the questions
T – Ss
Ss - Ss Ss demonstrate their tasks
CONSOLIDATION 10 min Language play :”X and zero” using words from dialogue.
Pupils play the game
T - Ss Consolidation new knowledge

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