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Numer: 27508
Dział: Języki obce

Zasady i tematy ustnych prezentacji (poziom B1-B2)

You are asked to prepare a FORMAL PRESENTATION.

The composition, the performance itself and the materials fully depend on Your creativity – the only rule is to RESPECT people and their personal beliefs.
Make sure the audience walks away understanding what they have been just delivered. You are allowed to use an electronic enhancement.

Budget your time – there are no strict rules concerning speech duration- make sure you will not make the audience feel bored, but keep reasonable time perspective hoping to get a high mark.
Be brief but full of valuable details.
The only necessity is a handout you are expected to distribute before speaking.
Each presentation should provide the audience with 5 new phrases / idioms or vocabulary units all of which are to be explained after the speech.
You are asked to follow our agenda. Keep deadlines please.
Presentation Topics:
1. Overpopulation: Strength or weakness for our world?
2. Why Coca Cola is still dominating beverage globally?
3. Does the British monarchy have any place in the contemporary world? (in terms of economic policy and emotional meaning it poses)
4. If I had a time-machine, I would alter the following 4 events (locally or globally) to make this world a better place.

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