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Numer: 27033
Dział: Języki obce

Upper-Intermediate Channel. Test

Upper-Intermediate Channel
SCORE:______/ 51

I Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. My father will not l_ _ me drive his car.
2. Nobody should j_ _ _ _ others by the way they look.
3. He talked e_ _ _ _ s_ _ _ about his new job. It was really boring.
4. My boss is q_ _ _ _- t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .He easily becomes angry.
5. This painting is f _ _ _ . It cannot be original. /5

II Match the expressions with the meanings given.

1. have a ball a. remember
2. bear in mind b. large and heavy
3. out of the ordinary c. disadvantage
4. grab a bite d. postpone, delay
5. bulky computer e. have a good time
6.drawback f. be very rich
7. trendy g. to stop for a quick meal when you’re in a hurry
8. put off h. fashionable
9. to roll in money i. strange, unusual
10. out of order j. destroyed, broken /10

III Fill the sentences with the prepositions.

1. The man accused me ________ stealing his bag.
2. Snowboarding is popular _______ young people.
3. Your words don’t appeal ________ me at all.
4. I need to replace my car ________ a better one.
5. I am keen _______ riding a bike.
6. We were in favour _______ the proposal.
7. We were unfamiliar ________ their decision.
8. Don’t worry _______ that.
9. He always has his reasons _______ not coming to our meetings.
10. I suffer ________ a terrible headache. /10

IV Respond to the questions or statements.

1. Give 4 advantages of life in the city: ........................................
2. Give 4 advantages of life in the countryside ........................................
3. Name 3 different kinds of hairstyle:
4. Name 3 different kinds of material:
5. Which inventions are very important to you and why? ........................................
6. What makes you feel miserable? ........................................
7. Which means of transport do you prefer travelling by and why? ........................................
8. What do you take for granted? ........................................
9. What equipment would you take with you on a desert island? ........................................
10. Name 5 different kinds of crime. ........................................
V. Circle the correct answer.


This is the end of the test. I hope you’ve enjoyed this 

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