I. Przeczytaj i odpowiedz krótko na pytania:
My dad played football in the playground yesterday.
Who played football?........................................
What did my dad play?........................................
When did he play football?........................................
Where did he play?........................................
Kate opened Tom’s box carefully.
Who opened the box?........................................
Whose box was it?........................................
How did she open the box?........................................
Last week my friends watched two films: “Shreck” and “Toy story”. The first one was boring but “Toy story” was interesting.
Who watched the films? ........................................
When did my friends watch the films? ...............................
How many films did they watch? .......................................
What films did they watch? ........................................
Which film was boring?........................................
Which film was interesting? ........................................
II. Napisz pytania do podanych zdań zaczynając od słówek pytających:
Tom’s brother went to the ciemna with my sister two days ago.
Where ........................................ ?
When........................................ ?
Who ........................................ with ?
Whose brother ........................................ ?
How many days ago ........................................ ?
Yesterday my mother asked me to tidy my room every day.
What ........................................ ?
When ........................................?
How often ........................................?
Who ........................................?
Whose ........................................ ?
On Friday I saw an excellent movie on TV. It was very long, it started at 1 and ended at 3 but it was worth it.
What ........................................ ?
When ........................................ ?
What time ........................................ ?
What time ........................................ ?
How long ........................................ ?
Who ........................................ ?