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Numer: 25485
Dział: Języki obce

I can talk about food - scenariusz lekcji

Lesson plan
Subject- I can talk about food
Group characteristics: gimnazjum- first class, elementary level
Aims :
• Ls can talk about food they like or dislike
• Ls can use countable and uncountable nouns to talk and write about food.
• Ls can ask questions and give answer about the food
• Know the vocabulary connected with the topic
Warm –up
1. Teacher introduces the subject and on the board sticks several large pictures of different types of food. Then asks Ss to look at the pictures and tell what kind of food they can see and which of them are countable and uncountable nouns.
2. To find out the right answers Teacher lets students watch ( from his/her own laptop) the film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwLuKEta6hk
3. After film each S is given two lists (only names of food ) ; one with countable nouns and second with uncountable nouns. Ss should find out which list is for countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
4. Ss identify the difference between countable and uncountable nouns and make the notes;

A, an, numbers- for countable nouns ( orange)
Some –for uncountable nouns ( cheese, water, rice)
We can only count PARTS of uncountable nouns ( a piece of...cheese)

5. Ss are watching the film again and try to do fill in the gaps exercise nr.1
6. Work in pairs –Ss talks to each other about their food preferences . There are given expressions for use:

What do you think of organic food?
What is your favorite fruit, vegetable, sweet , takeaway food ( tell why ) ?

7. Ss tells what they had learned about each other food preferences.
8. Teacher ask every S to give him an example of countable and uncountable noun.
9. Homework .-Ss need to complete three sentences:
Would you like some........................................
Would you like a piece of........................................
My favorite food is........................................

orange, apple, tomato, hamburger,

sugar, flour, rice, water, jam, ham, milk, bread

Exercise 1

Would you............a hamburger?
Would you like.........of cheese?
Would you like some.................?
Can I have.................... bread?
Are this vegetables.................? ( ekologiczne)

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