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Numer: 25484
Dział: Języki obce

Scenariusz lekcji - język angielski

No. of students:
- students get to know vocabulary associated with using of computer
language objectives: description of computer
educational objectives: writing, reading
Language material:
Vocabulary: keyboard, printer, software, monitor, file, Crash, type, hard disk, insert a CD, pendrive, break down, surf the Internet, charger
Functions: writing, reading
Materials and teaching aids:
procedure timing materials Form of work
1.Teacher shows the Picture and asks what it is and how different are modern computer from old.

7 minutes


Whole class
2. Learners Get the list of New words connected with computer. They have 2 minutes to read them and try to remember.

3 minutes

Sheets with list of words

3. Learners Get 2 sheets: Green and red. Teacher show the piture and says what it is. If students think that it’s true they put Green sheet in the air. If it’s false- red sheet. If someone makes Misteka He/she have to stand up and doesn’t play on.

5 minutes

Green and red sheets

Whole class
4.Learners Get worksheets with exercise. They have to fill the gaps.
6 minutes
Worksheets With exercise
5. Checking the exercise. 4 minutes Worksheets With exercise Whole class
6. before the lesson teacher hid the sheets with words in different places in the classroom. Learners have to find them, come to the teacher and translate found Word. Student who doesn’t find Any Word Has to write 3 sentences with words chosen by teacher.

10 minutes

Sheets of paper with words

7. Each student choose one Word from the lesson and the colleague who sits next to, try to guess which Word it is without using that Word.

7 minutes


Work in pairs
8. Homework
Students have to choose 3 equipment associated with computer and write 3 sentences about their using.

3 minutes


Whole class


Keyboard- klawiatura
Printer- drukarka
Software- oprogramowanie
Monitor- monitor
File- plik
Type- pisać na komputerze
hard disk- dysk twardy
insert a CD- włożyć płytę CD
break down- zepsuć się
surf the Internet- surfować po Internecie
charger- ładowarka

1. To type something in your computer you enter it using the___________________
2. To charge a battery insert the_________________ cable into the socjet on the phone.
3. To print the dokument to should use a _____________________
4. To watch a film on the computer, you need a __________________
5. To ____________ you need a modem.
6. A ________________ is useful to transfer files.
7. To watch a film on the computer you must ________ a CD.

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