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Numer: 25482
Dział: Języki obce

Describing weather - scenariusz lekcji

Lesson plan
Subject- Describing weather”.
Group characteristics: gimnazjum- first class, elementary level
Aims :
• Ls can talk about food weather
• Ls can use proper adjectives to talk and write about weather.
• Ls can ask questions and give answer about the weather.
• Know the vocabulary connected with the topic
Warm –up
1. Teacher introduces the subject and on the board sticks several large pictures showing different weather conditions and words describing the weather: cold, sunny, rainy, wet, windy, dry, hot, cloudy ( translate words Ss don’t know) .
2. Next T asks Ss to look at the board carefully and try to match pictures with correct words.
3. After matching Ss will listen to sounds of rain, storm, wind, heat e.c. and try to describe what is the weather like
4. Then whole class with teacher’s help divide the words: cold, sunny, rainy, wet, windy, dry, hot, cloudy in to two groups –nice and bad weather.
5. Ss are given worksheet, they are expect to match together antonymous and translate all of them.

cold, sunny, rainy, wet, windy, dry, hot, cloudy


6. Work in pairs –Ss talks to each other about weather. There are given questions for use:

What weather do you like?
Which month of year do you like most, why?

Ss should also give few examples of:
• hot /dry countries
• cold countries
• rainy/cloudy countries
7. Teacher ask every S to give him the answers (checks and correct them if it is needed).
8. Homework .-Ss should translate into English the three sentences:
1.Poniedziałek był zimny i deszczowy
2.Dziś jest ciepło i słonecznie
3. Wczoraj było wietrznie i pochmurno.

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