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Numer: 25304
Dział: Języki obce

Kółko języka angielskiego cz.2 - słownictwo

Poniżej prezentuję zadania na słownictwo języka angielskiego które mogą zostać wykorzystane przez nauczycieli przygotowujących się do zajęć w ramach kółka języka angielskiego. Wszystkie zadania dotyczą słownictwa i przeznaczone są dla uczniów na poziomie zaawansowanym (upper intermediate plus/advanced). Zadania przeznaczone są dla uczniów którzy zamierzają poszerzyć swój zakres słownictwa i którzy ze względu na swój już i tak wysoki poziom zainteresowani są przeróżnymi kruczkami i ciekawostkami języka angielskiego.
Test A
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, wpisując w każdą z luk po jednym wyrazie.
1. Telephone numbers in Warsaw have six or seven _ _ g _ _ _ .
2. The _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ of a round object is the length of a straight line that can be drawn across it or through the middle of it.
3. I am just trying to remember the name of that beautiful town. It is on the tip of my _ _ n _ _ _.
4. Last time I was in London, I couldn’t even find a single hotel with a _ _ c _ _ _ room.
5. It is such a _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ that you live so far from Warsaw. If only you didn’t!
6. All kids have to learn _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tables by heart.
7. My house is my _ _ _ t _ _.
8. Many inhabitants of Greater London _ _ m _ _ _ _ by British Rail.
9. Numbers like ½ or 1/3 are called _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _.
10. The _ _ l _ proposed by the Prime Minister was rejected by Parliament after a long and heated debate.
11. You may not believe me but I prefer _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flowers to real ones.
12. Herodotus claimed that the Egyptians had more wonders that any other country and that their achievements were _ e _ _ _ _ description.
13. Poland beat Belgium 3-0. All the goals were _ _ o _ _ _ by Zbigniew Boniek.
14. Algebra and geometry are _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ of mathematics.
15. Assassinations, coup d’etat, _ l _ _ _, and revolutions have long been the lot of the Middle East.
16. During the reign of Henry VIII, the Church in England asserted its _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the Roman Catholic Church.
17. Northern Ireland comprises six predominantly Protestant _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ which form the northern part of the island of Ireland.
18. Some people claim that because of its geographical position Poland cannot be _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ free of Russian domination.
19. Very few people nowadays lay wreaths at Lenin’s _ o _ _.
20. This bottle is almost empty. There is just a drop of wine at the _ _ _ t _ _.
21. I always put a _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ of milk in a cup of tea.
22. Three quarters of the world’s _ _ _ f _ _ _ is covered by water.
23. Do you know when Vietnamese troops were _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ from Cambodia?
24. No _ _ r _ for AIDS has been invented so far.
25. Latin American countries have had a long history of military _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and political instability.

Test B
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, wpisując w każdą z luk po jednym wyrazie.
1. Do you know any other Polish _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ except Dunikowski?
2. Women, with a few prominent _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , are conspicuous by their absence in politics.
3. Do not believe a single word he says. He is a _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ liar.
4. My Lord, Jim, you have put on _ _ i _ _ _ again. Now you look like a monster.
5. Warsaw in not a big city in _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ to London.
6. Poland reached the _ _ a _ of its power in the sixteenth century.
7. John Brown is _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _. He can neither read nor write.
8. It is very cold. The temperature must be well below _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ point.
9. Joseph Conrad was Polish only by _ _ r _ _.
10. If you do not remember someone’s phone number or address, you can always find it in the _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _.
11. I think the quality of this shirt is very low. It will _ _ r _ _ _ in the first wash.
12. St. Petersburg was _ _ _ n _ _ _ by Peter the Great at the beginning of the eighteenth century.
13. A fire _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a metal cylinder which contains water or chemicals at high pressure to put a fire.
14. Abraham Lincoln was strongly criticised for pursuing a _ _ l _ _ _ of reconciliation with the South.
15. The electrical _ _ l _ was invented by Edison.
16. A knife that is _ _ u _ _ has an edge that does not cut well.
17. Could you _ _ e _ _ up, please. I can hardly hear anything.
18. Is this your _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ or permanent address?
19. Although considerable _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ has been made in almost every field of study, still a lot remains to be done.
20. ‘ All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall _ _ n _ _ _ _ of a Senate and House of Representatives.’
21. ‘God save the Queen’ is a British national _ _ t _ _ _.
22. Upper Silesia is a traditionally coal - _ _ u _ _ _ region.
23. He struck a _ _ _ c _ to light up his cigar.
24. Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s leading _ _ u _ _ oil producers.
25. Leeds United were _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ by Liverpool in the semi – final.

Test C
Pod każdym zdaniem należy wpisać czasownik złożony, którym można bez zmiany znaczenia zastąpić podkreśloną część zdania. Należy podać czasownik w bezokoliczniku.
1. They listened delightedly to every word of his story. d_ _ _ _ ....
2. He failed to perform his duties. c_ _ _ _ ....
3. The Committee asked its president to resign. s_ _ _ ......
4. Many animal species are in danger of disappearing. d_ _ _ .......
5. Never buy a car without testing it first. t _ _ .........
6. Check the meaning of this word in the dictionary. l_ _ _ .......
7. It is always easy to gain weight. It is much more difficult to lose it. p_ _ ........
8. Charlie has never failed me. He always keeps his word. l_ _ .......
9. Tom accompanied Betty to the airport and bid her farewell. s_ _ ......
10. The settlement was planned as a village. l_ _ .......
11. The doctors want to confine him in a mental hospital till the rest of his life. p_ _ .......
12. He was calculating how much he would have saved if he had travelled by train instead. r_ _ _ _ _ .......
13. The elderly lady often used to fall asleep in her rocking chair in the afternoon. d_ _ _ ........
14. The ice suddenly broke and one of skaters fell into the water and was drowned. g_ _ _ ...........
15. Germany was divided into four occupation zones after World War II. s_ _ _ _ ........
16. The cheers faded very quickly. d_ _ ..........
17. The company employed me, even though I didn’t have the prerequisite qualifications. t _ _ _ ..........
18. The wind has diminished quite a lot. d_ _ ..........
19. I wish you didn’t increase the volume of the radio. t_ _ _ ........
20. The driver slowed down and stopped. p_ _ _ ......
21. The building was completely destroyed. p_ _ _ .......
22. Rap music suddenly became popular in the 80s. t_ _ _ .......
23. The aeroplane has just left the ground. t_ _ _ .......
24. He must have made a mistake somewhere. s_ _ _ ......
25. The illiterate are always despised by everyone. l_ _ _ ......

Test D
1. Shame on you, that’s a ........................... excuse. (child)
2. If we want to have some money left for the holiday, we must be more ...................... now. (economy)
3. After the horrors of the night in the haunted house, the little boy was absolutely .......................... of saying anything. (able)
4. This shirt is not going to get smaller in the washing. It says it has been ............................ on the label. (shrink)
5. Everybody knows that President Kennedy was ....................... but nobody knows who was behind the murder. (assassin)
6. Yesterday John Williams, also known as Quickhand Jack, was found guilty of eleven bank ........................ and sentenced to five years imprisonment. (rob)
7. When my girlfriend told me that she was leaving me, I couldn’t understand what was going on. I kept staring at her in ......................... as she turned her back on me and slowly walked away. (believe)
8. Don’t let him light that cigarette! It says ‘.................’ on all these boxes standing around us. (flame)
9. Sorry to say, but if the computer has hung up again and is not responding to the keyboard or mouse, you’ll have to ............................ it. (start)
10. The blue porridge looked extremely ............................., although it was perfectly ............................ . (eat, eat)

Test E
1. From his manner I (implied/inferred) that he wasn’t pleased.
2. Train services were badly (effected/affected) by the signal failure.
3. Many children leave school apparently (incapable/unable) of writing a letter of application for a job.
4. In some streets parking is permitted on (alternate/alternative) weekdays.
5. There was a ‘Danger’ sign at the entrance to the (disused/misused) mine.
6. The excuse he gave for his absence was hardly (satisfying/satisfactory).
7. There had been a (regrettable/ regretful) lack of communication between men and management.
8. The brakes on the car were found to be (defective/deficient)
9. As a student he is still (dependent/dependant) on his parents.
10. When he becomes an engineer, he will probably get a job in an (industrial/industrious) area.
11. The university sets (exceedingly/excessively) high standards for applicants, as the course is a (popular/populous) one.
12. Some might even say the demands of the university are (unreasonable/irrational).

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