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Numer: 25302
Dział: Języki obce

Kółko języka angielskiego - słownictwo

Poniżej prezentuję zadania na słownictwo języka angielskiego które mogą zostać wykorzystane przez nauczycieli przygotowujących się do zajęć w ramach kółka języka angielskiego. Wszystkie zadania dotyczą słownictwa i przeznaczone są dla uczniów na poziomie zaawansowanym (upper intermediate plus/advanced). Zadania przeznaczone są dla uczniów którzy zamierzają poszerzyć swój zakres słownictwa i którzy ze względu na swój już i tak wysoki poziom zainteresowani są przeróżnymi kruczkami i ciekawostkami języka angielskiego.


1. Complete the sentences with a compound noun starting with the word given. Use the definition to help you.
- the final result of the election, or negotiations, where no one knows what to expect.
We are all waiting for the ............................ of the meeting.
- A set of clothes worn together
She bought a new ................................ for the wedding.
- What is expected to happen in the future
The .............................. for tomorrow’s weather is bleak, I’m afraid.
- A shop or company through which products are sold
The Body Shop has retail .............................. in major cities throughout the world.
- A meal you buy in a restaurant to eat at home
Shall we eat out or get a ...............................?
- Getting control of a company by buying most of its shares
Business sections of newspapers are full of company mergers and ...............................
- failure or ruin following success
She had a great career, but hard drugs were her .............................
- a lot of rain that falls fast and heavily
I got soaked in yesterday’s ...............................
- information obtained from the Internet, usually free
For free ....................................., click here.
- new and successful development
There have been great ............................. in organ transplants in the last 20 years.
- a serious mental illness
After his mother died, Paul suffered a complete nervous ...........................
Use UP at the end of these words
- ending a marriage
Sarah was very depressed after the .............................. of her marriage to Tony.
- something used for support if the main one fails
At the end of a day’s writing, I make a copy of my work on disk as a ..........................
- a situation in which a lot of changes are made
There’s been a big ..................................... at work. They’ve fired six managers and introduced new working practices.
- a way of organising or arranging something
I don’t understand the political .................................... in the States. Their elections seem to last for years.

2. Complete the sentences with one of the compound nouns from the list at the beginning, using plural forms where necessary.

Break-out lay-off outbreak set-back bypass look-over outcry
Upkeep intake offshoot outlook uptake

- British hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered a sharp .................................. yesterday, when Smith failed to qualify during the preliminary heats.
- Owing to changes in the birth-rate, primary schools have had a smaller ............................. of new pupils this year.
- The British company is a(n) ............................. of a much larger American concern.
- There was a public ..............................when the Post Office proposed higher charges for postal services.
- Many men have already been made idle by the stoppage, and further ............................. will be inevitable unless agreement is reached soon.
- Stately homes in Britain need massive sums of money for their ................................
- There was a sudden ............................ of violence among students, following a period of relative calm.
- Only one prisoner remains at large, following yesterday’s .................................. by six men from Dartmoor prison.
- You can avoid going through the town centre by taking the ...............................
- We had time to give the property only a quick ...............................
- Some people have a very curious ............................... on life.
- I dropped several broad hints, but he seemed to be very slow on the ........................................


a. the headmaster – to – be
b. the headmaster present
c. the so – called headmaster
d. the late headmaster
e. the present headmaster
f. the actual headmaster
g. the headmaster in question
h. the would – be – headmaster
i. the ex – headmaster
j. the stop – gap headmaster
k. the sacked headmaster

1. The man determined to be a headmaster made a speech.
2. The headmaster, who is now dead, made a speech.
3. The headmaster who was at the occasion made a speech.
4. The man who had previously been a headmaster made a speech.
5. The man who is now a headmaster made a speech.
6. The headmaster who was dismissed made a speech.
7. The headmaster himself made a speech.
8. The man who was temporarily acting as a headmaster until someone was appointed permanently made a speech.
9. The headmaster who is the subject of discussion made a speech.
10. The man who was due to take up his appointment as a headmaster made a speech.
11. The headmaster, who I think is very bad at his job, made a speech

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