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Numer: 25233
Dział: Języki obce

How healthy living nearly killed me - konspekt zajęć

Konspekt lekcji: A.J.Jacobs: How healthy living nearly killed me Arkusz dla nauczyciela
Czas trwania lekcji: 45 minut
Materiał filmowy: 9 minut
Cele: Przećwiczyć techniki maturalne, prawda/fałsz w zadaniu na słuchanie
Przećwiczyć techniki maturalne, słowotwórstwo
Metody: praca indywidualna, praca w parach
Przebieg zajęć:
1. W ramach wprowadzenia, uczniowie poproszeni są o wstawienie słów z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie tak aby poprawnie uzupełnić tekst o mydłach antybakteryjnych.
(7 minut)

1. considerable
2. sensible
3. ignorance
4. preferable
5. difference
6. containing
7. undesirable
8. bodies
9. resistant
10. discovery

2. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o zastanowienie się nad odpowiedzią i przedyskutowanie odpowiedzi w parach a następnie z całą grupą. (5 minut)
Odpowiedzi: Odpowiedzi ucznia

3. Uczniowie oglądają materiał wideo i decydują czy zdania z ćwiczenia trzeciego są prawdziwe czy fałszywe. Jeśli zdanie jest fałszywe, uczniowie poprawiają je. (17 minut)
1. False (He had to pay $1 instead of $5)
2. False ( He grew a beard for religious reasons)
3. True
4. False (remote controls and iPhones)
5. True
6. False ( he lost weigh)
7. False ( He gave up some of his healthy habit, not all of them)
8. True
4. Uczniowie poproszeni są o przedyskutowanie w parach czy któreś z zachowań przedstawionych w materiale, mających zapewnić im zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo, wydaje im się warte przeniesienia do ich własnego życia. Dodatkowo uczniowie poproszeni są o zreferowanie jakie było główne przesłanie autora. (7 minut)
Odpowiedzi: Odpowiedzi ucznia

5. Uczniowie pracują w parach na uzupełnieniem luk w tekście odpowiednią formą wyrazów podanych na marginesie. (8 minut)
1. officially
2. scientist
3. biological
4. scientific
5. medical
6. economic
7. emphasise
8. unhygienic
9. summarise
10. nutritious

How healthy living nearly killed me’ A.J.Jacobs Arkusz dla ucznia
1. Complete the text below with the correct form of the word in brackets.

Antibacterial soaps

A 1.......................... (consider) number of people feel that washing with antibacterial soaps is the 2................................. (sense) thing to do. Unfortunately, their 3............................... (ignore) has led them to believe that these soaps are 4................................... (prefer) to normal ones. However, research has shown that there is no real 5............................. (differ) between washing with ordinary soap or soap 6.................................. (contain) antibacterial agents. It has also been proved that being too clean actually has 7................................... (desire) effects, as our 8............................. (body) do not become 9.............................. (resist) to germs. This 10............................. (discover) has come as a surprise, especially to those who believe that bacteria have to be fought with every means known to man.
2. What can we do to ensure a happy and healthy life. What precautions do you take to be safe and healthy in your everyday life?

3. Listen to a talk and decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1) A.J. Jacobs had to pay his wife $5 for every irrelevant fact mentioned in a conversation.
2) He grew his beard because his wife wanted his to.
3) The experts advised him to take care of an animal to be healthy.
4) His immunologist advised him to wipe down all remote controls and keyboard in the house because of germs.
5) He used to wear a helmet while walking around the house.
6) As a consequence of his self-improvement changes, he put on weight.
7) After finishing the project, A.J. Jacobs gave up all his healthy behavious.
8) The World Health Organization estimated that 1,6 million years of healthy living are lost every year in Europe because of noise pollution.

4. Which of the behavious from the talk do you consider worth applying in your everyday life?
What is the overall message to the audience from the author of the talk?

5. Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in bold type.
Life expectancy
The longest – living person ................................ recorded lived to be over 120 years and official
237 days old. In general, the number of people who live to be over one hundred is increasing,
especially among women, yet there isn’t a single ........................... who can fully explain this science
phenomenon. Some of them claim that it’s purely a ............................. fact. biology
However in the developing countries, where ........................ progress is slower, life expectancy science
is much less. According to ......................... records life expectancy for these people is about medicine
forty years. ............................ reasons are mainly responsible for this and as a result a high economics
percentage of the population suffers from malnutrition. One must also ............................ emphasis
the fact that sanitary conditions in developing countries are rather ............................ . hygiene
To .........................., proper housing and sanitation, adequate healthcare and a(n) summary
................................ diet play an important part in a person’s life expectancy. nutrition

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