Numer: 24869
Dział: Języki obce

Scenariusz Europejskiego Dnia Języków - quiz wiedzy o językach

Potrzebne są: sprzęt nagłaśniający, rzutnik, krzesła, stoliki, prezentacja ze slajdami ilustrującymi wstęp, podającymi tytuły piosenek, z pytaniami i odpowiedziami, wieńce laurowe i dyplomy.

Uczestnicy – konferansjer, zawodnicy z klas, uczniowie śpiewający piosenki, (opcjonalnie krótki skecz na zakończenie – wtedy uczniowie „aktorzy”)

Poziom trudności pytań w quizie– 1 klasa liceum, konkurs jest przeprowadzony w języku angielskim , ale w quizie zawarte są proste pytania o język niemiecki i francuski (wiedza ogólna). Dlatego do quizu należy wybrać uczniów dobrych z języka angielskiego i uczących się któregoś z pozostałych oraz generalnie „orientujących się”


(konferansjeransjer wchodzi:)

I’d like to welcome everybody: the headmasters, the teachers and, of course, the students. On the twenty-sixth of September the whole Europe celebrates the European Day of the Languages [slajd tytułowy 1]. Not many of us could probably answer the question how many languages there are in Europe, or in the world. Well..., our planet has got six billion people speaking between 6 thousand to 7 thousand different languages. English and Chinese are spoken by hundreds of millions of people. In Europe, there are about 255 languages which is only 3% of the world’s total. Languages are related to each other like members of the family. Most of the languages of Europe can be grouped together, because of their origins, as a single, large Indo-European linguistic family. The five languages spoken by most people here in Europe are Russian, German, English, French and Italian. Out of such great numbers We decided to choose just three those you are most familiar with that is: English, German and French - mainly these that are taught in our school apart from Russian which we cannot do due to problems with Russian letters. Anyway, we invited our second classes to participate in a Trivia Euroquiz [slajd 2] to find out how well they know the languages. As you can hear we’ll be using English all the time. Why you ask? Well, on the contrary to French and German, English has become the Latin of the twenty first century, the most popular and widely used, not only in Europe, but all over the world and EVERY, SINGLE one of you in our school learns it and understands it so this way it’ll be the most practical. Now..., before we begin, before the excitement of the game, before the first round about the English language, let’s listen to a song in English entitled ”..........” and performed by <imię> from class <......> [slajd 3]. Please listen and get in the mood for the first round.

(wniesienie krzeseł i mikrofonu śpiewają piosenkę w języku angielskim, schodzą )

(wniesienie krzeseł i stolików – przy każdym siada 2 reprezentantów klas – po kolei klasami podchodzą po usłyszeniu zapowiedzi przez konferansjeransjera-ukłony)
konferansjer: I invite our contestants.
The first competitors come from class a – <imiona>
The second are the representatives of b - <imiona>
The third class is c – <imiona>
And the last but not least d – <imiona>

<podchodzą, zajmują miejsca>

(konferansjeransjer:) Now, let the whole school see who will prove to be the masters of the English language and who will know most about the 3 European languages. Our competitors already know the rules but allow me to clarify: there will be 3 rounds to reveal the winners with 12 questions each. The pairs will take turns to answer our questions. We require full answers, full sentences. I will count the score so that we could say who is in the lead after each round.

We start ROUND 1– questions about topics related to the English Language.
[slajd “the British Round”]

Question1: What is the title of the British national anthem?
Answer: (za każdym razem podana jako slajd i odczytana teraz przez konferansjera) : „God Save the Queen”

Q2: What is the Polish equivalent of the English proverb. “to make hay while the sun shines”
((Yes, a point for you))/ ((The correct answer is)): Kuj żelazo póki gorące.

Q3: Name at least 3 famous writers, apart from Shakespeare, who wrote in English?
(Answer:) C. Dickens, R. Kipling, James Joice, M. Shelley , W. Blake and E. Hemingway, J. Austen, J. Conrad to name but a few.

Q4: Can you decode the abbreviations VAT or SOS
Answ: Value Added Tax, Save Our Souls

Q5: “There’s so much life running through my veins.” Whose song are the words taken from? (konferansjer: To make it easier, I’ll say HE’s British)
Answ: Robbie Williams

Q6: What are the two shortest English words?
Answ: a / I

Q7: What’s the British equivalent of the American word “elevator”
Answ: lift

Q8: . What does this slajdang sentence mean in Standard English? “I ain’t gonna be kidding you no more”.
Answ.: I am not going to trick/cheat on you any more.

Q9: Establish the correct order of the university degrees from the lowest to the highest: MA, BA, Professor, PHD

A: BA –bachelor, MA – master, PHD – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Q10: Who is a sandwich man?
a: somebody who sells sandwiches
b: a person who carries adverts in front of and behind him
Answ: b - a person who carries adverts in front of and behind him

Q11: What are the original titles of the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Name all three.
Answ: “The Fellowship of the Ring” ; “Two Towers” ; “The Return of the King”

(konf:) and the last one – difficult if you’re dyslexic :

Q12: What’s this vegetable? Decode: GEBCABA

All right that’s it for the first round - let’s see who is the best after this round: (podanie wyniku, zanotowanie przez sędziego)
Good job.

Konferansjer: The second round concerns the German language, so before we start, let’s listen to a song . [slajd z tytułem piosenki]

(mikrofon, śpiewają piosenkę, najlepiej po niemiecku)

Thank you, that was wonderful and we’re coming back to our competition.
It gets harder now. Round 2 [slajd “The German Round”] Germany and its language

Q1: Which German word is the name of a very popular fast food?
Answ: Hamburger

Q2: What does “Volkswagen” mean?
Answ.: the car for the people

Q3: Translate into German the title of a well-known Christmas carol “Silent Night, Holy Night”
Answ.; Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht

Q4: What’s the second highest grade in German schools
Answ.:1 is the highest grade in German schools so it is 2.

Q5: Which nationality was the famous Dr Frankenstein in the book by Mary Shelley?
Answ.: He was a Swiss scientist!!
(konferansjer: Now, this one’s difficult)

Q6: Which American president said: “Ich bin ein Berliner.
a. Ronald Regan
b. Jimmy Carter
c. John F. Kennedy
Answ: J. F. Kennedy while visiting Berlin

Q7: How do you call the object on the screen in German? [slajd: samolot]
Answ.: “Flugzug”

Q8: Which sea do the German people have in mind when they say “Ostsee” ?
Answ: They mean the Baltic Sea

Q9: What is “Die Toten Hosen?”
A: “dead trousers” or the name of a well-known German band

Q10: In Polish there are 7 grammatical cases – how many are there in German?
A: 4 – Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ

Q11: Which of the following would you NOT want to eat: Pommes Frites, Becher, Wurst, Gemüse
A: Becher – meaning a cup or mug

Q12: What does a German person say if something is broken?
A:Es ist kaputt.

(Konferansjer zwraca się do publiczności)
That was the last one in this round.
I look at my the scoreboard and see that .................. are in the lead. But there is still one more round ahead of us. However, we should let the competitors rest for a while so before the final, French round lets listen to a French song “........... [slajd z tytułem] performed by the representatives of class ..........

(krzesła i mikrofon) - śpiewają) – zdjęcie krzeseł

Thank you for this beautiful song. Now we shall continue with the final round.
[slajd „The French Round”]
Are the contestants ready ? Let’ have a look at the first question of the final round.

Q1: Give the meaning of at least one of these French phrases: “haute couture” or “Pret-a-Porter”
Answ.: Haute couture – leading fashion houses/high fashion
Pret-a-Porter – ready to wear

Q2: What are some other countries where French is the official language? Name two.
Answ.: Canada, Belgium, Luxemburg, Algeria, Guyana, Madagascar, Morocco, Tunisia, Monaco, Zaire, Senegal, Congo

Q3: How do you behave if somebody gives you a “carte blanche”
Answ: you have complete freedom to act as you think best

Q4: Who created the story about the Three Musketeers?
Alexander Dumas

Q5: What French words are used by the English? Name at least 2
Answer: Bon apetit , menu, pate, cuisine, tet-a-tet

Q6: How do the English call the “La Manche” Channel
Answ: They call it The English Channel.

Q7: How do you call this animal in French? [żaba na obrazku]
a. frogelle
b. grenouille
c. courgette

Answ: “grenouille”

Q8: Name at least one title of a French newspaper.
Among the best-known are “Le Figaro”, “Le Monde” “Le Soir”, “L’Evenement”

Q9: What is the meaning of the phrase “Cest la vie”?
A: That’s life

Q10: What is TGV in France ?
A: A network of very fast trains.

Q11: What are the original French titles of Kieślowski’s trilogy “Blue”, “White”, “Red”
A: Bleu, Blanc, Rouge

Q12: What is the a C-shaped, sweet bun (or roll) called by the French?
A: Exactly the same as in English: croissant

And this was the last of all our questions. Let’s count the score. The winners are class............... - They seem to know the most or just were the luckiest.! Congratulations!
The diplomas are yours.

<<Jeśli remis: I’m pleased to say that we have a draw – classes ..........are both the best. Congratulations! they seem to know the most or have just been lucky.! Congratulations! The diplomas are yours >>

(Konferansjer bierze wieńce laurowe i dyplom/y, gratuluje wręcza . Odbierają, mogą coś powiedzieć do mikrofonu np.: gdy konf: Was it difficult? i wracają do rzędów ):

If you thought this was over... you are wrong.
Day of the Languages will be ended with a sketch [ np. If it isTtuesday we must be in Munich... ]
performed by the representatives of class ..................

(usuniecie sprzętów, mikrofon)
(skecz – według innego scenariusza)
[slajd „ The End”]

(Opcjonalnie: konferansjer do p. dyrektor “Before we leave, would our respectable headmistress address the students?”
slajd “The European Day of Languages”)

We hope you have had fun and learnt something, too. Perhaps next year you’ll have a chance to practice your German or French, so don’t waste time – do your best. But now let us call it a day. Thank you very much indeed , goodbye.

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