Numer: 24853
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs wiedzy o UK i Irlandii

Konkurs wiedzy o krajach Zjednoczonego Królestwa i Irlandii.
Name:..................... class:.............. max 60 points

Name numbered parts of the map.(7 points)

Circle the correct answer. (7 points)
1. The national flag of Northern Ireland consists of two diagonal blue strips crossing on white background. True/False
2. Continental breakfast consists typically of bread rolls or croissants with butter and jam, and coffee to drink. True/False
3. The Act of Supremacy made King Henry VIII the religious head of the Church of England. True/False
4. The Beatles were found in Liverpool. True/False
5. Aston Villa is a well-known Birmingham football club. True/False
6. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. True/False
7. Oxford College is the oldest and most famous university in Ireland. True/False.

Exercise 3:
Name described places. (4 points)
1. ..............................-London’s best-known public park extending an area of 615 acres (249 hectares).
2. ..............................- the distinctive twin drawbridges with Gothic towers over the river Thames.
3. ..............................- the highest mountain in Scotland.
4................................- a town in Scotland, which is famous for coal mines and football.

Exercise 4:
Choose the right answer and answer the questions. (33 points)
1. London is the capital of England. What are the capitals of:
a) Scotland...................... b) Wales........................
c) Ireland ........................ d) Northern Ireland..............................
2. What is the family name of the present royal family?
a) Stuart b)Windsor c) Tudor d) Plantagenet.
3. The plant symbol of Ireland is:
a) a red rose b) a thistle c) an apple d) a shamrock.
4. The Welsh flag shows:
a) a red dragon b) a red lion c) white lions d) a white dragon.
5. The first woman Prime Minister in Britain was called:
a) Mother Teresa b) Princess Diana c) Margaret Thatcher d) Winston Churchill.
6. The Union Jack is:
a) the United Kingdom’s flag b) a famous pub in London
c) a character form Shakespeare’s plays d) a pop music band form 60’s.
7. The Commonwealth is an association of..............independent nations, plus several British dependencies.
a) 53 b) 51 c) 55 d) 59.
8. Stonehenge is:
a) royal castle b) the largest holiday resort in GB
c) a circle of stones d) a fourteenth century cathedral.
9. What is the Irish national musical instrument?
a) harp b) violin c) flute d) bagpipe.

10. Who played the main female character in a renown “Bridget Jones’s Diary’?
a) Julia Roberts b) Nicole Kidman c) Rene Zellweger d) Sandra Bullock
11. Hamlet, the main character of William Shakespeare’s play, was the Prince of:
a) Scotland b) Denmark c) Wales d) Spain.
12. Where British pound is not used?
a) Wales b) Scotland c) The Republic of Ireland d) Northern Ireland.
13. David Cameron is a member of:
a) the Liberal Democratic Party b) the Conservative Party c) the Labour Party d) IRA
14. The Government is formed by the party with majority support in:
a) the House of Commons b) the House of Lords
c) the House of Representatives d) constituency.
15. The oldest surviving Tudor palace in England is :
a) Hampton court b) Windsor c) Guildhall d) Buckingham Palace.
16. Until her death in 1997 Princess Diana held the title of:
a) the Duchess of Windsor b) the Duchess of York c) the Princess of Wales d) the Queen of Cardiff.
17. What is the highest mountain in GB?
a) Snowdon b) Ben Navis c) Slieve Donard d) the Alpes.
18. Who is the patron of Scotland?
a) St David b) St George c) St Andrew d) St Patrick.
19. What is the other name of Northern Ireland?
a) Eire b) Godot c) Druid d) Ulster.
20. The Battle of Hastings took place in:
a) 1770b) 1333c) 1066d) 1720.
21. Ireland is separated from Great Britain by the sea. What’s its name?
a) the Irish Sea b) the English Sea c) the Northern Sea d) the Mediterranean Sea.
22. What is the main religion in Eire?
a) Muslim b) Catholicism c) Protestantism d) Baptisms.
23. What is Moher?
a) the highest mountain in Ireland b) the giant, who built the way of huge rocks
c) the 200-metre-cliff d) the hat for old ladies.
24. What is the most popular traditional British dish?
a) steak and potatoes b) chips and pork c) pasta and chicken d) fish and chips.
25. Which river flows through London?
a) Shanon b) Thames c) Vistula d) Rye.
26. Who tried to blow up Parliament on 5th November 1605?
a) William the Conqueror b) Charles Dickens c) Guy Fawkes d) Henry VIII.
27. When did the Great Fire of London take place?
a) 1066 b) 1789 c) 1666 d) 1450.
28. At what age can you drive a car in Britain?
a) 15 b) 1 6c) 17 d) 18.
29. The soldiers who guard the Tower of London are called...
a) beefeaters b) mushers c) bodyguards d) plumbers.
30.What colour is the flag of Great Britain?
a) red, white and green b) black, blue and yellow
c) red, blue and white d) grey, red and blue.
Exercise 5:
Answer the questions (9 points)
1.Who is responsible for making laws in Britain?
2.What is the weather like in the UK ?
3.What does ‘A’ level refer to?
4.When and in what way is Boxing Day Celebrated?
5.When are 4 symbols of Scotland?
6.What is Commonwealth?
7.What are 4 main tourist attractions apart from Big Ben or London Eye?
8.What does ‘haggis’ consist of?
9.What nationality was James Joyce, a famous writer?

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