Numer: 24394
Dział: Języki obce

Człowiek - ćwiczenia powtórzeniowe dla klasy III LO zaawansowanej

Człowiek – ćwiczenia powtórzeniowe dla klasy III LO
I. Write the missing words to complete the phrases.
1. to be ........................................ schedule
2. turn over a new ........................................
3. work around the ........................................
4. ........................................ someone up the wrong way
5. a teacher's ........................................ (favourite student)
6. ...with his arms ........................................ across his chest
7. ........................................ one's head in denial
8. can't get my ........................................ around it (a problem)
9. ........................................ another person's confidence
10. ........................................ out a task
II. Explain the difference between:
1. conceited & conscientious
2. gullible & vain
3. self-conscious & self-centred
4. unscrupulous & impartial
5. absent-minded & narrow minded.
III. What are the synonyms of the following adjectives?
1. candid _ _ _ _ _
2. self-confident _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. egocentric _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. stubborn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. hypocritical _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
6. unscrupulous _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. unpredictable _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. brave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. humble _ _ _ _ _ _
10. aggressive _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11. revengeful _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12. dedicated _ _ _ _ _ _ _
13. revolutionary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14. shy _ _ _ _ _
15. imaginative _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IV. What's the English for ...?
1. policzek
2. czoło
3. szczęka
4. nerka
5. wątroba
6. tętnica
7. żyła
8. czaszka
9. łaskotać
10. głaskać

V. Which expressions match the following definitions?
1. succeed in making somebody understand what you are saying
2. feel angry about something because you think it's unfair
3. respect or admire somebody
4. have unfriendly feelings towards somebody because you are angry about what has happened in the past
5. want something that somebody else has
6. feel strong hatred or dislike
7. disapprove of
8. the feeling that somebody does not deserve to be respected
9. feel respect and fear

a. have a grudge agaist somebody
b. be in awe
c. get through to somebody
d. look down on somebody
e. contempt
f. resent
h. be wary of
i. frown on
j. look up to
k. be jealous of
l. loathe

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