Numer: 23737
Dział: Języki obce

Testy z języka angielskiego zawodowego

Zadanie 1. Połącz wyrazy z ich definicjami
1. survey (v)
2. surface
3. measure
4. distance
5. undulate
6. friction

a. to move or to be shaped like waves that are rising and falling
b. to find the size, length or amount of something using standard units
c. an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it
d. the top layer of an area of land or water
e. the rubbing of one surface against another
f. the amount of space between two things
Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij zdania poniższymi wyrazami.

generating, parallel, vary, furnished, extended, vertical, perpendicular

1. When I wanted to create a bank account, my brother, who is a banker, ................... me with all necessary information.
2. The forest ................... in all directions as far as the eye could see.
3. Brainstorming is a useful technique for ...................... new ideas.
4. One of the roads in our town runs ............... to the railway.
5. If one line is ................... to another line, they form an angle of 90 degrees.
6. I love your new blouse which has got blue and white ............... stripes.
7. Teaching methods ............ greatly from school to school.
Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij zdania przyimkami: from, on, to, of, into
1. Which country is composed ... seven emirates?
2. What does this date refer ... ?
3. Her beliefs separated her ... her sister.
4. What he says departs ... the truth.
5. Your teachers will take your recent illness ... consideration when marking your exams.
6. It wasn’t very nice ... your part.
Zadanie 4.Przetłumacz poniższe fragmenty tekstu na język polski.
1. The Earth has the approximate shape of an oblate spheroid that, on its outer crust, is composed of irregular land masses and uniform surfaces of seas and oceans, having polar axis less than equatorial axis.
2. The type of surveying that takes into account the true shape of the Earth is called geodetic surveying.
3. That type of surveying in which its ellipsoidal shape is neglected, is called plane surveying.
4. An ellipsoid of revolution is a figure generated when an ellipse is rotated around its shorter axis and used to approximate the surface of the Earth for geodetic calculations.
Zadanie 5. Odpowiedz na pytania.
1. What is geodesy?
2. What is surveying?
3. What is an oblate spheroid?
4. Define geoid?
5. What are the main aims of surveying?
6. Mention three fields within surveying and describe one of them.
7. What is an elevation?
8. What is the difference in elevation?


Zadanie 1. Połącz wyrazy z ich definicjami

1. flagger
2. bench mark
3. accuracy
4. digit
5. adjust
6. verify
7. neat

a. to find out if a fact or statement is correct
b. one of the written signs that represent the numbers 0 to 9
c. tidy and carefully arranged
d. the person whose duty is to hold the range pole
e. the closeness between the measurements and their true values
f. to make small changes to something in order to make it more effective
g. a fixed reference point or object whose elevation is known

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami.

precision, permit, computational, interface, procedure

1. Those methods will _____ us to increase production.
2. The normal _____ while being hired is completing an application form.
3. He took the measurements of the flat with _____ .
4. Handheld calculators sometimes have an _____ with an electrical equipment.
5. As calculations form a large part of surveying, familiarity with _____ processes is essential for the surveyor.

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij zdania przyimkami: in / for / out / to / with.

1. I’ve keyed ___ all data that we need.
2. Pasta is usually associated ___ Italy.
3. The evidence is not consistent ___ what you said earlier.
4. Your clothes are hardly appropriate ___ a job interview.
5. In order to display land property location, we have to set ___ points in the field.
6. I am writing with respect ___ your advertisement published in the Times.

Zadanie 4.Przetłumacz na język polski.

1. office work
2. as-built survey
3. preliminary
4. electronic field book
5. stadia
6. true value

Zadanie 5. Przetłumacz na język angielski..

1. prace polowe
2. łata
3. pomiar taśmą
4. objaśnienia
5. pomiar krokami
6. cyfry znaczące


Ex.1 Uzupełnij opis wyrazami:
interchangeable * indirect * circuitry * fog * time * intervisibility * instruments * distances * sending * velocity * high-frequency * microwaves * path * leveling

Electromagnetic 1..................... . A typical electromagnetic device uses 2............... microwave transmission, consists of two 3..................., one being set up on each end of the line to be measured. The 4.................. instrument transmit a series of 5.................. that are run through 6.................... of the receiving unit and retransmitted to the original sending unit, which measures the 7................ required. 8...................... are computed on the basis of the 9................... of the radio waves. An unobstructed measuring 10................ between two instruments is necessary. However, 11.................. is not required, and therefore observations can be made in 12................ and other unfavourable weather conditions.

Ex.2 Podaj definicję.
1. leveling
2. vertical angle

Ex.3 Połącz wyrazy z angielskimi odpowiednikami.

automatyczny niwelator cyfrowy * okular * uchwyt do naciągania taśmy * niwelator samopoziomujący * obiektyw * niwelator głuchy * niwelacja dalmiercza

1. tilting level
2. self leveling level
3. stadia leveling
4. eyepiece
5. tension handle
6. digital level

Ex.4 Przetłumacz na język polski
a. extend
b. centrifugal force
c. progress
d. pendulum
e. plumb line
f. rectangular
g. vertical datum

Ex.5 Przetłumacz na język angielski
1. soczewka
2. szerokość geograficzna
3. kąt kierunkowy
4. układ współrzędnych
5. urządzenie odczytowe
6. łata niwelacyjna
7. trójwymiarowy


Zadanie 1. Przetłumacz wyrażenia na język angielski:
1. ciąg poligonowy
2. bezpośredni
3. gęstość
4. przeszkoda
5. względny
6. zniekształcenie
7. różnorodny
8. zabudowany
9. pozwalać
10. przestrzenny

Zadanie 2. Przetłumacz wyrażenia na język polski:
1. convenient
2. rapid
3. employ
4. reduce
5. magnitude
6. flattened
7. intersecting
8. retrieve
9. relief
10. contour line

Zadanie 3. Połącz wyrażenia ramki z ich polskimi odpowiednikami, 3 wyrażenia nie pasują do żadnego tłumaczenia.
curvature * location by intersection * meridian * parallel * storage * plot * datum * curvilinear system *
location by resection * fulfill * evaluation * evolve * longitude
1. kartować
2. krzywizna
3. wcięcie wstecz
4. wcięcie wprzód
5. system krzywoliniowy
6. równoleżnik
7. spełniać
8. rozwijać się
9. przechowywanie
10. ocena

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij tekst podanymi wyrazami, 3 z nich nie pasują do żadnej luki.

sights * forested * coordinates * densely * reduce * track * establishing * useful * unknown

Traversing is a convenient, rapid method for 1) ................. horizontal control. It is particularly 2) .......... in 3) .......... built-up areas and in heavily 4) ............. regions, where the lines of 5) .......... are short, and obstructions overhead or surrounding the point 6) ........... the effectiveness of GPS surveys.

Zadanie 5. Wymień 4 przykłady sprzętu używanego podczas poligonizacji.

Zadanie 6. Podaj przykład odwzorowania kartograficznego i scharakteryzuj je.

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