Numer: 23626
Dział: Języki obce

Konspekt lekcji internetowej: Animals - online ABC zoo

Małgorzata Zawadowicz
SUBJECT: Animals - online ABC zoo.
TIME: 45 minutes (one lesson unit)
CLASS: a group of 16 students at the 5lh grade
Revision of the already learned vocabulary concerning animals,lexical practice
• Introduction of some new words that appear in the presented exercises Developing language skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading
• Making students aware of the beneficial effects of the Internet use in English language learning (exercises, stories)
AIDS: the lesson conducted in a computer laboratory with place for each student that has access to the Internet, specific exercises and web sites previously chosen by the teacher
• At the beginning of the lesson the teacher tries to find out what students know about the Internet. He has a short discussion in English about what can be done by means of this resource. Students' ideas are written on the board. It if is necessary, the teacher adds some points concerning language learning.
• In order to prove how useful and enjoyable online activities may be, the teacher asks students to use the browser and find the website The page includes various materials that the eacher wants to use during the revision of vocabulary concerned with animal world.
• First of all, students look at the ABC zoo story. They look at it and listen twice. The written version is also provided during listening.
It's a special day at the ABC Zoo. A new animal is here. 'What's in it?'
'It's a zorilla from Africa. She needs a home.'
'Mmm zorilla, eh?
OK. Let's find you a home.'
'Let's see - an aardvark, a boa constrictor, a coyote and a duck-billed platypus. The zorilla doesn't go here.
'Let's see - an emu, a flamingo, a giraffe and a hyena. The zorilla doesn't go here.'
'Let's see - an impala, a jellyfish, a koala bear and a lemur. The zorilla doesn't go here.'
'Let's see — a meercat, a narwhal, an orangutan and a puma. The zorilla doesn't go here.' 'Let's see - a quetzal, a rhea, a sloth and a tarantula. The zorilla doesn't go here.'
'Let's see - an umbrella bird, a vulture, and a walrus. The zorilla doesn't go here.' 'Let's see - a xenops, a yak ... a zorilla! Here's your home!' 'Sorry boys!'
• Having finished, the teacher asks the students to choose some unusual names of animals that they remember from the story. They have to answer four questions about them:
> What’s it called?
> What does it look like?
> Where can you see it?
> What can it do?
• To practice the names of animals, students play an online game where they have to help the zookeeper and put animals in cages in the correct order. countdown
• They do it as quickly as possible to see who wins the competition. At the end students listen to the song: we 're going to the zoo. They listen to it once and the teacher writes some new vocabulary on the board. The items are mainly connected with the actions that animals do. Students try to guess the meaning on the basis of the pictures to the song. They listen one more time and sing:
We 're going to the zoo, To see the kangaroo, And a lion, too. We 're going to the zoo. The monkeys swing and climb, They know it's feeding time, The polar bear and seals, Enjoy their fishy meals. The snakes all slide along The skunk just makes a pong. The tiger gives a roar, He wants to eat some more.
CONCLUSION: Students are supposed to enjoy the lesson and learn a lot at the same time. Relying on the Internet sources, the teacher shows the students how to learn autonomously. By that means, they may develop all four language skills that are also the focus of this particular lesson. What is more, they acquire new vocabulary items just by playing and singing. That is the reason why they may remember them more effectively.
RECOMMENDATION: If the teacher still has some time, wants to expand the topic for two lessons unit or just looks for some helpful homework resources, there is the possibility to engage learners in e.g. post-listening activities. The website provides matching and drawing vocabulary exercises that may act as a complimentary material. What's more, the teacher may also resort to the Internet as a useful tool in project creation about e.g. the description and habits of student's favourite animals.

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