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Numer: 23268
Dział: Języki obce

Pytania maturalne - egz. ustny Żywienie


What is your favourite dish? Why do you like it?
Do you find cooking easy or rather difficult? Why?
Would you consider becoming a vegetarian? Why?/Why not?
Is it important to know how to cook? What makes you think so?
Why are TV cooking shows popular these days?
Do you like traditional Polish dishes?
What is your opinion of foreign cuisine?
What kind of things do you dislike to cook? Why?
How can a bad diet influence your health?
What kinds of restaurant do you like most/least?
What do you usually have for dinner?
Do you think that you should change your eating habits?
How important are family meals to you?
Would you like to become a chef or waiter?
Should in your opinion men be able to cook?
Why is dieting common among teenagers?
Why is fast food popular nowadays?
What kind of food do you avoid? Why?
What are the consequences of consuming junk food?
What kind of food do you consider unhealthy?
What is the best place to eat out in your town?
What kind of food should be served in school canteens?
Do you sometimes use a cookery book?
Why do you think we waste so much food?
Do you like barbecue parties?
Do you have a healthy diet?
What sort of food might be harmful?
What is your opinion of GM food?
Are the people in the picture enjoying their meal?
Who are the people in the picture preparing the meal for?
Do you sometimes order a takeaway?
How do you prepare your favourite dish?
Why are there so many overweight people nowadays?
Would you like to run your own restaurant?
Tell me about the last time you ... ate out with friends, organised a culinary show, spoilt a dish,
were on a diet, made a complaint at the restaurant

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