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Numer: 22833
Dział: Języki obce

Propozycja quizu n.t. krajów anglojęzycznych (szkoły ponadgimnazjalne)

Quiz wiedzy na temat krajów anglojęzycznych
Czas: ok.30 min.
Przeznaczenie: uczniowie szkół ponadgimnazjalnych

I. Who are/were these people?

1.Andy Warhol a) a film director

2.Mark Twain b) a politician

3.Margaret Thatcher c) a writer

4.Sylvia Plath d) a poet

5.Steven Spielberg e) an artist

II. Match the authors with their works:

1.William Shakespeare

a)Lord Jim
2. James Joyce

b)Brave New World

3. Joseph Conrad

c)Robinson Crusoe

4.Lewis Carroll

d)A Christmas Carol

5. George Orwell

e)Gulliver’s Travels

6. Jane Austen


7. Aldous Huxley

g)Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland

8. Daniel Defoe

h)King Lear

9. Charles Dickens

i)Animal Farm

10. Jonathan Swift

j)Sense and Sensibility

III. Write the names of five American Presidents:


IV. What are the names of two main political parties in the USA:



V. Write the capital cities:

1. Great Britain –

2. the United States -

3. Canada –

4. Australia -

VI. Complete the sentences:

1. The Star Spangled Banner is .....................................
a)an American anthem
b)a famous street in Hollywood
c) a British pop group
d) a Canadian soap opera

2. American War of Independence took place in .........................

a) 1881-1865
b) 1914-1918
c) 1775-1783
d) 1494-1497

3. Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday celebrated on 23rd April. What colour do many people on this day?

a) green
b) red
c) orange
d) black

4.Guy Fawkes’ Night is celebrated in the UK on 5th November. What is Guy Fawkes famous for doing in 1605?

a) painting St Paul Cathedral
b) trying to kill the King
c) saving the King’s life
d) marrying the Queen

5. Which animal does not live in Australia:

a) the kangaroo
b) the panda bear
c) the crocodile
d) the Tasmanian devil

6. There are.......................states in the United States.

a) fifteen
b) fifty
c) thirty five
d) forty

7. The British currency is the:

a) Euro
b) Dollar
c) Pound sterling
d) British frank

8. The official languages of Canada are:

a) French, English and Portuguese
b) English and Spanish
c) French and English
d) English and German

9. Prince William’s wife is:

a) Elisabeth
b) Ann
c) Catherine
d) Diana

10. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving:

a) on 4th July
b) on 31st October
c) on the fourth Thursday in November
d) on 3rd May

11. The native people of Australia are:

a) the Indians
b) the Inuit people
c) the Maori people
d) the Aborigines

12. The symbol of Canada is:

a) a polar bear
b) a maple leaf
c) a hockey player
d) a bison

13. The biggest American State is:

a) Alaska
b) California
c) Kansas
d) Texas

14. Who was the King of England during the English Civil War (1642-1651)?

a) Edward IV
b) Charles I
c) Henry VI
d) James I

I. 1.e 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.a
II. 1.h 2.f 3.a 4.g 5.i 6.j 7.b 8.c 9.d 10.e
III. Student’s answers
IV. the Republicans, the Democrats
V. 1.London 2.Washington D.C. 3.Ottawa 4.Canberra
VI. 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.c 10.c 11.d 12.b 13.a 14.b

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