Numer: 22654
Dział: Języki obce

How to build a house - "Three Little Pigs" - konspekt lekcji

Język angielski mgr Olga Suchoń
Lesson 1
How to build a house – “Three Little Pigs”.
Group: 22 Ss
Age: 11
Level: Elementary
Time: 45 min
• to teach collocations through the story
• to introduce to Ss and make them familiar with different collocations with verbs run, climb, fall, jump
Assumed knowledge:
• Ss understand new words from the text
• Ss can answer simple questions connected with the text
Anticipated problems:
• Ss may have problems with pronunciation of ordinal numbers
• Ss may have problems with understanding new words
• T encourages Ss to speak and helps them
• T monitors the process of writing all the time
pictures of 3 pigs, a wolf and 3 houses prepared by the T (Appendix, no. 1), the board with the list of collocations (Appendix, no. 3) texts of the story, pictures (Appendix, no. 2)
1. Warm – up activity:
Aims: - to revise verbs: jump, run, fall, blow, hide, build
- to prepare Ss for listening to the story
- to revise can, can’t structure
- to entertain
Interaction pattern: T – S, S – T, T – Ss
Time: 5 min
T asks Ss questions: Can you jump? Can you blow? Can you climb? Can you fall? Can you blow? Can you build a house? Ss answer the questions and mime the actions.

2. Listening activity:
Aims: - to attract Ss to the topic
- to enrich vocabulary connected with movement
- to introduce ordinal numbers: first, second, third (Appendix no. 3)
- to have fun.
Interaction pattern: T – Ss
Time: 10 min
T tells the story entitled “Three Little Pigs”. While telling about the first pig T puts on the blackboard the picture of the house made of straw. Then T tells about the second pig and puts on the blackboard the picture of the house made of wood. Finally, teacher puts the picture of the house made of bricks and tells about the third pig. T mimes the action of the story all the time using pictures of pigs and the wolf. T encourages Ss to guess the meaning of new words such as straw, wood, brick etc.
3. Speaking activity
Aims: - Ss ` participation
- to practise speaking
- to consolidate new words
Interaction pattern: T – S, T – Ss, S – T
Time: 5 min
T checks understanding of the new words by asking questions and showing particular objects on the board. Ss answer the questions alone or with the T’s help e.g.: What can he do? He can climb up. (Appendix, no. 2)

4. Reading activity:
Aims: - to practise reading
- to test knowledge of collocations
- to improve cooperation
- to build Ss autonomy
- to check understanding
- to have fun.
Interaction pattern: Ss in pairs, T – S, S – Ss
Time: 10 min

Ss get the text of the story and the lists of verbs and prepositions (Appendix no. 4) Ss match a proper preposition and a verb, and check their choice in the text. T asks Ss to come to the board and complete collocations. Ss read aloud appropriate sentence from the text.
5. Writing activity:
Aims: - to practise writing
- to use collocations in practice
Interaction pattern: Ss in pairs
Time: 7 min
T gives Ss handouts with pictures which present action (see Appendix, no. 2). T asks Ss to write sentences describing pictures and using a proper collocation. For example: The boy climbs up the wall.
6. Speaking – activity
Aims: - to activate Ss
- to practise speaking
- to practise collocations
Interaction pattern: T – S, T – Ss
Time: 5 min
T walks round the class, starts sentences and encourages Ss to finish them, so they can tell story together. T writes the beginning of the sentences on the blackboard and asks Ss to finish them orally.

7. Writing activity.
Aims: - to use collocations in writing
Interaction pattern: T - Ss
Time: 3 min
T assigns homework. For homework Ss have to draw a picture from the story and to write its short description based on the T`s model.

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