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Numer: 21300
Dział: Języki obce

Praca pisemna - mail

E – mail wytwór
Name: Class: Scored points: / 16

I. Ułóż maile we właściwej kolejności. ( / 4)

Hello Natalia,
How are you doing? Where are you at the moment? Have you arrived in England yet?
The weather here in Katowice is not good. I stayed at home all weekend .................... it was raining
all the time. What’s the weather like in England? Tomorrow I’m having a history test so
I learnt all Sunday. Yuk! Keep ...................... . Robert.

Hello , Natalia
It’s great to hear you like the city. And how’s the food in the restaurant?
Have you tried English meals? Do you like them? I heard English food is disgusting. 
I love Robbie Williams, too. He’s brilliant!
He’s my singer number one!. He’s the best.
I’d like to hear this cool Robbie’s song. Can you send me it?
Take care. So ............... Robert.

Hi Robert,
Thank for your e – mail. I am in England at least! I arrived here last Monday.
The flight was long and boring. I stayed with my older sister Beata.
She lives in Brighton. I love this town. It’s really wonderful!
Yesterday in the afternoon I went to Robbie Williams concert
and in the evening we went to the restaurant. We went by car but ........................
the car had stuck in the traffic so we ate late dinner .
Write to me ..................... Natalia
PS. Robbie Williams is incredible! I bought his latest album and one of the songs
is really cool.

Dear Robert,
Thanks for the e – mail. Here’s the music – it’s absolutely beautiful.
I’m sure you will like it! English food is quite ok but too greasy sometimes.
Next Friday I’m going to visit Royal Pavilion and .............. that I’ll go to Palace Pier.
I hope to have a great time there. Love. Natalia

II. Uzupełnij tekst powyższych maili brakującymi wyrazami: ( / 6)

III. Zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (T), a które nie są.(F): ( /6)
1. Robert went out during the weekend T F
2. Natalia doesn’t like Brighton T F
3. Natalia came to the restaurant on time T F
4. Natalia finds English meals rather good T F
5. Robbbie Williams is Robert’s favourite singer T F
6. Natalia won’t go to Royal Pavilion T F

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