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Numer: 19878
Dział: Języki obce

Make your own love story

Make Your Own Love Story

Level: Pre-Intermediate
• Students will be able to describe one’s relationship,
• They will practicing writing and speaking skills
• They will revise personality adjectives
• They will be able to develop a draft of a love story
Target group: This is a vocabulary lesson for individual, pair and class work. Students will learn some new phrases which are related to relationships.
Type of activity: Speaking and writing.
Preparation: Write the words on the board or make a Power Point Presentation showing the new phrases.

1. Ask the students to name some reasons for which people get involved in relationships. They are supposed to introduce some not so obvious ideas.

2. Present the students with new phrases describing the stages of relationship. They may involve:
have a crash on
ask someone out
get divorced
break up with (split up with)
get engaged
fall in love
get separated
meet someone
updating the FB status
go out with someone
get married
make up with someone
get pregnant
become fond of

3. Ask the students to put these phrases in the order usual for a typical relationship. There is more than one solution of course and not always all phrases must be used.

4. Present the students with names of people involved in relationship, such as:
boy-friend, girl-friend, fiancée, fiancé, wife, husband, ex-spouse, divorcee,
Ask the student to ascribe them to the phrases introduced before.

5. Ask the students to write their own love story (8 – 10 sentences) or, when time is short, make them translate the text prepared before:
Love Story.
Mia podobała się Josephowi. Była pogodna i pewna siebie. Pewnego dnia zaprosił ją na randkę po szkole. Poszli na ryby. Po randce Mia zakochała się w Jospehie. Spotykali się zawsze w weekendy. W październiku zaręczyli się i 14 lutego wzięli ślub. Po trzech latach Mia miała dość Josepha. Był zarozumiały i samolubny. Rozstali się przed wakacjami. W sierpniu się rozwiedli. Teraz Josephowi podoba się Sophie...

6. To consolidate the vocabulary play the film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pccL9huEbkc (owned byReal English®) , asking students to find out how many of the interviewed people are single, married or engaged.

7. For homework ask the students to write a short love story based on one of books, films, or series they know.

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