Numer: 19639
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs językowy wiedzy o Zjednoczonym Królestwie

Konkurs językowy wiedzy o Zjednoczonym Królestwie Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej - wybrane pytania konkursowe drugiej części konkursu dla uczniów klas gimnazjalnych.

W pierwszej części konkursu uczniowie samodzielnie odnajdowali odpowiedzi na zestawy pytań konkursowych i przedstawiali je pisemnie organizatorowi konkursu w wyznaczonym terminie.

Choose the correct answer: A, B, C or D.

1. What is the Commonwealth?
A the intergovernmental organisation of 54 member states
B the intergovernmental organisation of 45 member states
C the governmental organization of the UK
D the governmental organization of England

2. What is the name of the stone wall that was once built to keep the Picts in today's Scotland and out of the Roman Empire?
A Offa's Dyke
B Hadrian's Wall
C The Scottish Borders
D The Pict Fence

3. They occupied lands stretching from the British Isles to Galatia for hundreds of years BC.
A the Celts
B the Greeks
C the Bretons
D the Normans

4. A Union Jack is _____________.
A a flag of the UK.
B a flag of Great Britain.
C a document signed by the Queen.
D a document signed by the Parliament and the Queen.

5. There is a dragon featured on the flag of which country?
A Scotland
B Ireland
C Wales
D England

6. Which one is the national flower of Scotland?
A the Daffodil
B the Shamrock
C the Thistle
D the Rose

7. Which church is the established one in Britain?
A the Roman Catholic church
B the Greek Catholic church
C the church of Britain
D the church of England

8. What is the political system of the UK?
A the federalism
B the authoritarianism
C the parliamentary monarchy
D the monarchy

9. Which of the following countries is the nearest continental neighbour to Great Britain?
A France
B Germany
C Portugal
D Denmark

10. Which one is not the name of the British Royal Family?
A Windsor
B Coburg-Gotha
C Herzogtum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
D Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

The key:
1 A
2 B
3 A
4 A
5 C
6 C
7 D
8 C
9 A
10 B

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