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Numer: 19138
Dział: Języki obce

Countries, continents, nationalities. Konspekt lekcji języka angielskiego w II LO

Class: Grade 2 Higher Junior School
Number of sts: 1
Level of sts:Elementary
Topic: Countries, continents, nationalities.
Main skills: listening and writing (typing on a computer)
Overall aim(s) for the lesson: By the end of the lesson student will have developed awareness of words indicating the names of countries, nationalities and continents (Turkish, Hungarian, Scottish, Russian, Australian). The student will have the ability to recognize the words in a given context. The student will have the ability to identify the words while listening. The student will be able to type the words correctly on a computer.

Revision of the names of countries, continents, nationalities learnt during the recent lesson

Feedback to given examples

Introducing the new subject

Introducing the examples of the names of the countries, continents and nationalities

Feedback to given examples

Practising the understanding of the introduced words through listening

Feedback to S work

Practising the writing new words

Feedback to S work

Practising using new words in a given context

Feedback to s work

Giving homework


S gives examples of the names of countries, continents, nationalities
she got to know at the recent lesson

T conducts feedback on the given examples – if there are mistakes T asks S to correct herself

T elicits the names of the countries, continents and nationalities

T conducts feedback on the given examples-if there are mistakes T asks S to correct herself

S is asked to listen and to identify the meaning of the words

S gives the answers

S is asked to read and to type the names of the nationalities

S reads her answers

S complete the blanks in sentences with the proper names of the countries and nationalities

S reads her answers

T tells the S what homework is to be done (to learn the introduced words by heart)

S gives examples of the names of countries, continents, nationalities
she got to know at the recent lesson


T conducts feedback on the given examples – if there are mistakes T asks S to correct herself

T elicits the names of the countries, continents and nationalities

T conducts feedback on the given examples-if there are mistakes T asks S to correct herself

S is asked to listen and to identify the meaning of the words

S gives the answers

S is asked to read and to type the names of the nationalities

S reads her answers

S complete the blanks in sentences with the proper names of the countries and nationalities

S reads her answers

T tells the S what homework is to be done (to learn the introduced words by heart)


Visual aids – pictures on a computer screen depicting countries: Turkey, Hungary, Scotland, Russia, Australia

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