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Numer: 19043
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs wiedzy o krajach anglojęzycznych


1. What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?
2. What is the population of United Kingdom and its major cities?
3. What is the national day of Wales and when is it?
4. What are Britain’s national flowers?
5. What is the most popular food in Britain?
6. Why is Big Ben so called?
7. What is the British weather like?
8. What are National Parks in Britain and where are they?
9. What are the origins of the Wimbledon tennis championships?
10. Which religions are represented in Britain?
11. What are Britain’s main imports and exports?
12. What is Pancake day?
13. What is Guy Fawkes Night?
14. What are Britain national costumes?
15. What is Burn’s Night?
16. What are the most common superstition in Britain?
17. What is the most popular food in Britain?
18. Why do the British like drinking tea?
19. What is Haggis?
20. Is that true that a lot of British dishes are named after places?
21. Why do Britain have four teams in international sporting tournaments?
22. What are the Highland games?
23. How do the British spend their leisure time?
24. Why do the British like going to the pub?
25. What is the Edinburgh festival?
26. Why is Big Ben so called?
27. How old is Stonehenge?
28. what is Hadrian’s Wall?
29. Why is the Tower of London so popular with tourists?
30. How old is London tube?
31. What is speaker’s corner?
32. What is the British weather like?
33. When do shops have sales in Britain?
34. What is cockney rhyming slang?
35. Who are the most popular British writers?
36. What are the different types of secondary school?
37. What is the oldest university in Britain?
38. Why are "public schools" so called?
39. What was the Magna Carta?
40. Why is the Speaker so called?
41. What is a "whip" in Parliament?
42. What power does the Queen have?
43. Why does the Queen have two birthdays?
44. What are Britain’s overseas territories?
45. What is the Commonwealth?
46. What is the Old Bailey?
47. What is the difference between a judge, a barrister and a solicitor?
48. Why doesn’t Britain have a written constitution?
49. What are the origins of the names of the main political parties?
50. At what age do children go to school in Britain

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