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Numer: 1877
Dział: Języki obce

Czeslaw Milosz - a lesson about the patron of our school


Welcome to our lesson about Czeslaw Milosz. Milosz is the patron of our school. We all need to know some important facts from his life. Below there is his biography. Please follow the instructions and complete the task J Good luck!!
1. Read the biography and answer the questions:

“I think that I am here, on this earth, to present a report on it, but to whom I don't know.”

„Myślę, że jestem tutaj na tej ziemi,
Żeby złożyć o niej raport, ale nie wiem komu.”

Czeslaw Milosz was born June 30, 1911 in Seteiniai, Lithuania, as a son of Aleksander Milosz, a civil engineer, and Weronika, née Kunat. He made his high-school and university studies in Wilno, then belonging to Poland. A co-founder of a literary group "Zagary", he made his literary début in 1930, published in the 1930s two volumes of poetry and worked for the Polish Radio. Most of the war time he spent in Warsaw working there for the underground presses.

In the diplomatic service of the People's Poland since 1945, he broke with the government in 1951 and settled in France where he wrote several books in prose. In 1953 he received Prix Littéraire Européen.

In 1960, invited by the University of California, he moved to Berkeley where he has been, since 1961, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures.

For his poetry the Nobel Prize committee awarded him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980.

Czeslow Milosz died at his home in Krakow on Saturday 14 August, 2004.

1. When was Czesław Milosz born?
2. What’s his fathers’s name?
3. What’s his mother’s name?
4. Where did he study (in which city)?
5. Where Czeslaw Milosz was during the war?
6. When did Czeslaw Milosz die?
7. When did he receive the Nobel Prize?
8. Where did he die?

earth - the planet third in order of distance from the Sun, between Venus and Mars; the world on which we live:

biography - the life story of a person written by someone else

be born - When a person or animal is born, they come out of their mother's body and start to exist

publish - to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine or newspaper, or to produce and sell a book, magazine or newspaper:

war - armed fighting between two or more countries or groups

prize- something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a competition or game or that is given to someone as a reward for doing very good work:

award - to give money or a prize

literature - written artistic works, particularly those with a high and lasting artistic value:

poem - a piece of writing in which the words are arranged in separate lines, often ending in rhyme,

poet - a person who writes poems

poetry - poems in general as a form of literature:

2. Match the english words with their polish translation:

1. biography …. a) urodzić się
2. be born …. b) opublikować
3. poem …. c) wojna
4. publish …. d) nagroda
5. war …. e) poezja
6. prize …. f) poeta
7. award …. g) ziemia
8. poetry …. h) biografia
9. literature …. i) literatura
10. earth …. j) wiersz
11. poet …. k) nagrodzić kogos

3. Read the poems and translate the word: (przeczytaj wiersze i przetłumacz słówka)

Ziarnko maku –
Maly dom –
Ziemia –
Planety –
Gwiazdy –
Dom -
Ogród -
Makówka -
Dzieci -
Wieczór -
Szczekać -
Cicho -
Przypowieść o maku
- Czesław Miłosz

Na ziarnku maku stoi mały dom,
Pieski szczekają na księżyc makowy
I nigdy jeszcze tym makowym psom,
Że jest świat większy, nie przyszło do głowy.

Ziemia to ziarnko - naprawdę nie więcej,
A inne ziarnka - planety i gwiazdy.
A choć ich będzie chyba sto tysięcy,
Domek z ogrodem może stać na każdej.

Wszystko w makówce. Mak rośnie w ogrodzie,
Dzieci biegają i mak się kołysze.
A wieczorami, o księżyca wschodzie
Psy gdzieś szczekają, to głośniej, to ciszej.

—Czeslaw Milosz

On a poppy seed is a tiny house,
Dogs bark at the poppy-seed moon,
And never, never do those poppy-seed dogs
Imagine that somewhere there is a world much larger.

The Earth is a seed—and really no more,
While other seeds are planets and stars.
And even if there were a hundred thousand,
Each might have a house and a garden.

All in a poppy head. The poppy grows tall,
The children run by and the poppy sways.
And in the evening, under the rising moon,
Dogs bark somewhere, now loudly, now softly.

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