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Numer: 18708
Dział: Języki obce

At the local GP's - karta pracy


I.Match illnesses and sicknesses: food poisoning, allergy, broken bone, a flu / a cold with following symptoms:
- It hurts
- It’s swollen
- You ache all over
- You can’t move it
- You feel dizzy
- You feel sick
- You have a headache
- You have a sore throat
- You have a stomach ache
- You have a cough
- You have diarrhoea
- You have high fever
- You have rash
- You have runny nose and eyes

II Advise what people should or shouldn't do if they have any of previous health problems:
You should/shouldn’t:
- Spend too much time outside especially near flowers, grass or trees
- Eat strange things
- Take medicine calcium
- Have X- rays done
- Have a plaster put on
- Take painkillers
- Take aspirin
- Lie in bed
- Go to work or school
- Eat anything for one or two days
- Drink a lot
- Drink herbal tea
- Drink tea with lemon
- take vitamin C

III Analyse the dialogue and create a similar one using different illness.

At the local GP’s

Doctor: Good morning. What’s the matter?
Patient: I feel absolutely terrible. I have a fever of forty degrees. I have a sharp pain under the shoulder blade and I cough a lot.
Doctor: How long have you had these symptoms?
Patient: I’ve felt like that for two days, since Saturday.
Doctor: Undress, please. I’ll examine you. Breathe deeply. You’ve got pneumonia. You must stay in bed and take antibiotic. Here is your prescription.
Patient: Thank you. Goodbye.
Doctor: Goodbye.

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