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Numer: 18406
Dział: Języki obce

"I Shot the Sheriff". Plan lekcji języka angielskiego

Plan lekcji języka angielskiego “I Killed the Sheriff”

Time: 45 minutes
Level: A2 wg CEF (pre-intermediate) young adults

Materials: Worksheet (lyrics of the song with gaps)
Video Clip: Bob Marley, “I Shot the Sheriff”
Film projector and notebook
Topic: I Shot the Sheriff
Aim: TELC examination practice – Language Elements Part 2
Simple Present and Past Tense Revision

Warm up (2-5 min.):
1. Ask students what music they like (elicit types of music like soul, jazz, rap, pop, reggae, rock, techno).
Introduction (5 min.):
2. Distribute Worksheet 1 and ask if they recognize the song and the singer, then play the first tune to for the students to verify their answers. (3 min.)
3. Explain some new vocabulary (self-defence, deputy, well, seed) and the task in worksheet 1 (complete the lyrics with words from the box below)
Gap-fill (10 min.):
4. Give some time to work out the answers (in pairs) and compare it with others (group work – change pairs).
5. Play the song (listen and check).
6. Play the song (listen and correct).
A Story (10 min.):
7. The story in the song (Jamaica background, Bob, a black slaves and a white sheriff, racial hatred (the seed), self-defence, running away, explanation at court) – in Simple Past Tense.
The sentence: “Kill it before it grows, kill it before they grow” in Simple Present Tense
The saying: “Every day the bucket goes to the well but one day the bottom will drop out”.
Grammar Practice (10-15 min.):
8. Play the song again and ask the group to sing the chorus (I shot the sheriff but I didn't kill the deputy), then play the chorus only and ask the students to repeat.
9. Change the verbs in the chorus (eat, do, make, buy, bring, write etc.) and ask the students to sing the sentences. (The sentences should be written on the blackboard): Revision of negative sentences in Simple Past and irregular verbs (but don't tell the students it is a grammar lesson!)
Follow-up (5 min.):
10. Homework: Prepare a defence speech for Bob. (Play the part of defence Counsel)


I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

All around in my ___ town
They're trying to ___ me down.
They say they want to bring me in ___
For the ___ of a deputy,
For the life of a deputy.
But I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I ___ it was in self-defense.
I shot the sheriff, and they say it is a capital offense.

Sheriff John Brown always ___ me;
For what I don't know.
Every time that I plant a seed
He ___, kill it before it ___
He said, kill them before they ___
And so: ___ it in the news:

I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.
Where was the deputy, but I say
I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.

Freedom ___ my way one day
And I started out of town.
All of a sudden I ___ sheriff John Brown
Aiming to shoot me down.
So I shot, I shot him down.
And I say:
If I am guilty I will ___.

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot no deputy.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

Reflexes got the better of me
And what is to be must be.
Every day the bucket goes to the ___,
But one day the bottom will drop out,
Yes, one day the bottom will drop out.
I ___:

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no.
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no.

Task 1
Complete the lyrics with the words below, then listen to the song and check:

swear saw grows said pay say grow track
home guilty read killing hated came well

Task 2
I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot the deputy.

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