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Numer: 18385
Dział: Języki obce

Pierwszy tryb warunkowy - scenariusz lekcji z piosenką dla szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej

Bardzo często w swojej pracy z młodzieżą odnoszę się do piosenek, bo to doskonały sposób na odejście na moment od rutynowej pracy z podręcznikiem, szczególnie gdy uczymy gramatyki, której młodzież zwykle nie lubi i szybko nudzi się tradycyjnymi ćwiczeniami.
Przedstawiam poniżej scenariusz lekcji, który jest jednym z moich sposobów na wprowadzenie pierwszego trybu warunkowego bez użycia podręcznika, a którego punktem wyjściowym jest piosenka.

SUBJECT: „If I’m not in love” – the first conditional - introduction and talking about the future
LEVEL: pre-intermediate
TIME: 45 minutes
INTERACTION: T to SS, group work, individual work, pair work
AIMS: to create expectations, to listen for specific information, to introduce the first conditional and practise it, to make predictions, to talk about the future using conditional sentences,
AIDS: blank slips of paper, blackboard, CD player, song lyrics, a bag

Ss sit comfortably in their chairs. T says they are going to listen to a love song but before that T asks ss questions to create some expectations, ex. Do you think it is going to be about happy or sad love? Is there going to be a happy ending? Is the hero of the song in love? Listen and tell me what the singer will do if she is not in love?
Ss listen to the song “If I’m not in love” by Faith Hill and after listening T elicits ss’ answers and compares to ss’ earlier predictions.

1. T presents the class with the following situations to introduce the conditional:
• Yesterday I bought a ticket in a lottery. The results will be announced tomorrow. Do you think I will win?
Well, if I win, I will fly to Canada.
• Do you think the summer will be hot this year?
If it’s hot, I’ll go to Międzyzdroje.
T writes the sentences on the b/b and asks SS what the conditional sentences refer to: past, present or future. T elicits the form.

Część warunkowa: if + Present Simple + reszta zdania
Część nadrzędna : Future Simple + reszta zdania

2. T asks SS what they will do in the following situations:
• What will you do if it’s freezing tomorrow?
• What will you do if X invites you to come to his or her party?
• What will you do if you find zl 100 on your way to school?

T distributes blank slips of paper for each student to write one prediction for the future. SS write their predictions, T collects them and puts in a bag. S comes to the T, draws a prediction, reads it and predicts the consequences of the given event. SS make a conditional sentence referring to the future.
• Ex. Poznań will organize the next winter Olympic Games.
If Poznań organizes the next winter Olimpic Games, many tourists will go there.

1. The class is divided into groups of four. T writes some clauses on the b/b:
• We will run away...
• If the headmaster enters this classroom...
• We won’t come to school...
Ss are to complete the sentences in as many ways as possible. T reads them out. The class chooses the most interesting, the funniest, etc.
Ex. We will run away if you give us a test/ if we have to wash up.
2. Ss work in pairs. T distributes copies of a lyric with gaps to fill in. Ss listen to “If I’m not in love” by Faith Hill and fill in the missing words.


If I'm not in love with you
What is this ........................................
And if ................................ is lying then
What should I believe in
Why do I go crazy
Every time I think about you, baby
........................ do I want you like I do
If I'm not in love with you

And if I ............................... your touch
Why do I miss you so much
If it's ...................... infatuation then
Why is my heart aching
To ................... you forever
Give a part of me I thought I'd never
........................... to someone I could lose
If I'm not in love with you

Why in every fantasy
Do I feel your .................. embracing me
Lovers lost in sweet desire
Why in ................. do I ..............................
Lying with you baby
Someone ....................................this feeling
Someone tell me

If I'm not in love with you
What is this I'm ........................................
And if ........................ is lying then what should I believe in
Why do I go crazy
Every time I think about you baby
.......................... do I want you like I do
If I'm not in love with you
After listening ss are given a moment to compare their answers. T elicits the missing words and asks questions:
• What do you think she will do if she is not in love?
• What do you think you will do when you’re in love?
After eliciting the answers, T gives homework.

Ss are to write 10 more conditional sentences to the title of the song “If I’m not in love...”

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