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Numer: 17575
Dział: Języki obce

Handout z ćwiczeniami na stronę bierną w kl. II gimnzjum

The passive, kl. II
czasowniki regularne + ed, np. work - worked
Strona bierna : to be + past participle
czasowniki nieregularne — 3-cia forma z tabeli, np. go- gone,

Uczniowie czytają książki. Students read books.

Książki są czytane przez uczniów. Books are read by students.

Tom studiuje historię. Tom studies History.

Historia jest studiowana przez Toma. History is studied by Tom.

The present simple passive- POSITIVE SENTENCES : am /are / is + past participle

Teachers teach pupils. Pupils are taught by teachers.
They always produce cars. Cars are always produced by them
They film the scene. The scene is filmed.
Some people here grow apples. Apples are grown here.
Somebody cleans the room. The room is cleaned.
NEGATIVE SENTENCES: am /are / is +NOT + past participle
They don`t play golf. — Golf isn`t played.
She doesn`t often watch the film. The film isn`t often watched.
The don`t wash the cars. The cars aren`t wasched.
QUESTIONS: am /are / is + SUBJECT + past participle

Do they produce cars? Are cars produced by them?
Does she ask her father? Is her father asked?
Do we often use computers? Are computers often used by us?
Do you suspect me? Am I suspected?
Exercise 1.Zamień następujące zdania ze strony czynnej na bierną.
1 They often play golf. 2 He tells funny jokes. 3 They check the answers. 4 This ship breaks the ice.
5 You don`t watch the animals. 6 She cleans the floor. 7 He drives a car. 8 Students write sentences. 9 We don`t smoke cigarettes. 10 They never eat sweets. 11 His friend eats lunch. 12 Sarah does a lot of exercises. 13 Ronald invites friends. 14 We send letters by post. 15 They sell old books in that shop. 16 George draws pictures. 17 Laura helps her grandmother. 18 They don`t drink coffee. 19 His friend doesn`t buy expensive CDs. 20 Many foreign visitors watch the famous Egyptian pyramids. 21 Numerous homeless people spend nights outside houses. 22 Cheerful students sing various songs during the trip.
Exercise 2 . Użyj tych słówek aby napisać zdania w stronie biernej w czasie present simple.
1) olives / grow / in the south of the country/ 2) tickets / sell / on the boat 3) the film / show/ at 7.15 and nine o`clock 4) this play /not perform/very often 5) the lights / not turn on /until seven o’clock 6) which languages/ speak/ in your country? 7) how many languages / teach / at your school? 8) where / Rolls-Royce cars/ make? 9) what /wear/ in winter/ in your country? 10) what /eat/ for breakfast?

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