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Numer: 15837
Dział: Języki obce

Active or Passive? Strona czynna czy bierna?

1. Peter will look after my little sister.

2.Sheila is reading an e-mail from her friend.

3.Henry Ford invented the assembly line.

4.These cars are produced in Germany.

5.You should open your student’s books.

6.Adam teaches Biology and Arts.

7.These houses have just been built.

8.English is spoken in Australia.

9.They built a house in a village.

10.Many houses were destroyed by the hurricane.

11. They listen to music every evening.

12.Our uncle takes Sophie to a park every second day.

13.We have cleaned the house.

14.They speak only German.

15.The policemen help the citizens.

16.A robber broke the window of the shop.

17.My aunt sends me a present every year.

18.Much faster computers will be made in the future.

19. This is the best romantic comedy I’ve ever watched.

20. Instructions are often written in three or four languages.

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