Numer: 1358
Dział: Gimnazjum

Szkolny konkurs wiedzy o Zjednoczonym Królestwie Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej

NAME: ............................................................. CLASS: .......... DATE: .....................


1) Official name for the United Kingdom is ...
a) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
b) the United Kingdom of England and Ireland
c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland

2) Great Britain consists of three countries. Give their names.
a) England, Ireland, Scotland
b) Wales, Scotland, Ireland
c) England, Scotland, Wales

3) Great Britain is divided into:
a) counties
b) states

4) The capital of Northern Ireland is ...
a) Belfast
b) Dublin
c) London

5) Edinburgh is the capital of ...
a) England
b) Scotland
c) Wales

6) Emerald Island is the name of ...
a) Ireland
b) England
c) Scotland

7) „God Save the Queen” is the name of ...
a) English currency
b) English anthem
c) English flag

8) The Union Jack is the name of ...
a) English song
b) English castle
c) English flag

9) The patron saint of England is ..
a) St. Andrew
b) St.David
c) St.George

10) On St. Patrick's Day Irish people wear ..
a) a red rose
b) a thistle
c) a shamrock
11) The flower symbol of England is ...
a) a rose
b) a shamrock
c) a daffodil

12) St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on ...
a) 17th March
b) 14th February
c) 1st April

13) Hogmany is the Scottish word for .........
a) New Year's Eve
b) Christmas Day
c) Halloween

14) What is haggis?
a) a traditional Scottish dish of minced meat
b) a traditional Scottish drink
c) a traditional Scottish dance

15) A tartan pattern is typical for ...
a) Englishman
b) Irishman
c) Scotsman

16) What is Notting Hill famous for?
a) the Castle
b) the Carnival
c) the Church

17) A famous giant circle of stones in England is called ...
a) Stonehenge
b) Stone Age
c) Salisbury

18) Big Ben is the name of ....
a) the Tower
b) the Clock
c) the Bell

19) Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and A Christmas Carol were writen by ...
a) Virginia Wolf
b) Charles Dickens
c) William Shakespeare

20) In England students take GCSE examinations at the age of ...
a) 10
b) 21
c) 16

21) What are the names of two famous British universities?
a) Yale and Harvard
b) Oxford and Cambridge
c) Stanford and Oxford

22) How many wives did Henry the VIII th have?
a) 6
b) 8
c) 4

23) With which king did Robin Hood fight?
a) Henry
b) John
c) Edward

24) The name of a famous Parliament representative was ...
a) Oliver Cromwell
b) Hans Holbein
c) Anthony Van Dick

25) Which Queen Elizabeth's son is the Prince of Wales?
a) Prince Edward
b) Prince William
c) Prince Charles


26) Which English king broke off the relationships with the Church and Pope? ................................................

27) What is the name of a female British Prime Minister called „Iron Lady” ? .................................................

28) Give the names of two English queens you know ............................... B)................................

29) Who is the present Prime Minister in England? ..................................................................

30) 10 Downing Street - whose address is it? ..................................................................
31) What are the names of Lady Diana's two sons? A) ........................................... B) ....................................

32) What is a „double decker”? ......................................................

33) What sports take place at these venues?
A) Wembley ....................................................................
B) Wimbledon ...............................................................

34) Give the name of one of the two football clubs coming from Manchester ...............................................

35) What does the abbreviation UEFA stand for? ...................................................................

36) Write a full name for BBC ....................................................................

37) Give the name of a famous detective who lived in Baker's Street. ...........................................................

38) Give the name of a famous secret agent also known as 007 ...................................................................

39) Winnie-the -Pooh (a character created by A. A Milne) in Polish is ............................................................

40) Give the name of a fictional character created by J.K Rowling ................................................................

41) What is the name of a funny character played by an English actor Rowan Atkinson? ...................................

42) Ginger, Emma, Mel C, Mel B and Posh are the members of a famous English band. Give its name...............

43) A famous band which came from Liverpool was .....................................................................

44) The Thames is the name of .....................................................................

45) The Times is the title of .....................................................................

46) What is the name of a famous department store in London? ...........................................................

47) Give one title of a famous play written by William Shakespeare .....................................................

48) Give the name of a famous London museum where one can find a collection of Greek and Egyptian art

49) Give the name of a beautiful old church in London where the Kings and Queens of Britain are crowned and buried ....................................................................



1) A
2) C
3) A
4) A
5) B
6) A
7) B
8) C
9) C
10) C
11) A
12) A
13) A
14) A
15) C
16) B
17) A
18) B
19) B
20) C
21) B
22) A
23) B
24) A
25) C

26)Henry VIII
27)Margaret Thatcher
28)Victoria/ Elizabeth I/ Elizabeth II 50) 1e, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5c, 6f
29)Gordon Brown
30)Prime Minister
31)William, Harry
33)football, tennis
34)Manchester United/ Manchester City
35)Union of European Football Association
36) British Broadcasting Corporation
37) Sherlock Holmes
38)James Bond
39)Kubuś Puchatek
40)Harry Potter
41)Mr Bean
42)Spice Girls
43)the Beatles
47)Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, As You Like It, The Tempest
48)British Museum
49) Westminster Abbey

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