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Numer: 11867
Dział: Języki obce

Save Energy at Home - scenariusz zajęć

Scenariusz lekcji języka angielskiego dla kl. III szp

TYPE OF ACTIVITY: individual and pair work – vocabulary revision/extension
LEVEL: primary 3-4 grade
AGE: 11-12
NUMBER OF STUDENTS: the whole class
TIME: 45 minutes (55 minutes with the computer game option)
AIM: revise and extend HOUSE vocabulary, match the words with the pictures, draw the pictures, match the verbs and nouns, play a board game; learn about ways of saving energy
DESCRIPTION: students match the words with the pictures, draw the pictures, match the verbs and nouns, play a board game, play an online game (optional)
VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS: revising and extending HOUSE vocabulary, practising collocations, the imperative
MATERIALS: worksheets with pictures of rooms or separate objects and their names: kitchen (fridge, tap, oven, electric kettle, washing machine), bedroom (radio, light, lamp, window, curtains), living room (clock, heater, TV, light, lamp); a set of 12 cards big enough to cover the objects in the pictures (can be a prepared as a cut-out grid); computers with online access (optional).


1. Hand out the worksheets. Read out the words and ask the students to find the objects in the pictures of each room. Mime the use of each appliance, if needed. Students find the objects, match them with the words, then colour them and draw the two missing objects for each room. Explain that all these objects use energy.

2. Mime the actions (close – switch off – turn off), write the verbs on the board. Students match the names of objects with the verbs (this can be done on the board by students adding one noun each). Make sure they use “the” before each noun.
the fridge
Close the window
the curtains

the lamp
Switch off the light
the TV
the electric kettle

the oven
the tap
Turn off the heater
the radio
the washing machine

3. Students cut out the cards and play a board game on the worksheets in pairs, saying the instructions from the previous activity (e.g. “Close the window”) and covering the objects in the pictures with the cards.

4. Optional activity: students play the online game at http://www1.eere.energy.gov/kids/index.html

Materiał opracowała Galina Schulz

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